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Javascript what is Scroll Reveal.js

Javascript what is Scroll Reveal.js

1 Answer
Mohammad Qandeel

Scroll Reveal.js

JS is one of the core technologies of web development and can be used on both the front-end and the back-end. JavaScript is used mainly for enhancing the interaction of a user with the webpage.

Through this link, you can go directly to Scroll Reveal.js official website http://scrollrevealjs.org.

If you want another description, this is it "Declarative on-scroll reveal animations." it's under the category of animation.

You can also browse the owner's account on GitHub through julianlloyd https://github.com/julianlloyd.

You can also go to his page on GitHub through the following link https://github.com/julianlloyd/scrollReveal.js, You can see that they have obtained 2129 forks.

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