Top 68 Javascript development aids Libraries You Should Know

In this post, we look at the Top 68 Javascript development aids Libraries You Should Know to try this year

JavaScript is the programming language of the Web And JavaScript is a fun and flexible programming language, JavaScript is used to create client-side dynamic pages.

You need to learn about global and block-level scope in JavaScript.and Learn how to use JavaScript modules.

Top 68 Javascript development aids Libraries You Should Know

1. Type Script

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.Type Script created by Microsoft, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the Type Script repo is 65,321, and it has a 8740 Forks

you can find here the official website for Type Script

you can Click here Type Script to download the master branch from GitHub

2. 6to5


Turn ES6 code into readable vanilla ES5 with source maps6to5 created by sebmck, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the 6to5 repo is 37,672, and it has a 4538 Forks

you can find here the official website for 6to5

you can Click here 6to5 to download the master branch from GitHub

3. Yarn


Fast, reliable, and secure dependency management.Yarn created by yarnpkg, this repo was created in 2016

Now the number of Watchers for the Yarn repo is 39,159, and it has a 2606 Forks

you can find here the official website for Yarn

you can Click here Yarn to download the master branch from GitHub

4. Cypress

Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser.Cypress created by cypress-io, this repo was created in 2015

Now the number of Watchers for the Cypress repo is 24,212, and it has a 1447 Forks

you can find here the official website for Cypress

you can Click here Cypress to download the master branch from GitHub

5. Mocha

A simple, flexible, fun javascript test framework for node.js & the browser. (BDD, TDD, QUnit styles via interfaces)Mocha created by visionmedia, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Mocha repo is 19,936, and it has a 2741 Forks

you can find here the official website for Mocha

you can Click here Mocha to download the master branch from GitHub

6. Gulp


The streaming build systemGulp created by gulpjs, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Gulp repo is 31,976, and it has a 4402 Forks

you can find here the official website for Gulp

you can Click here Gulp to download the master branch from GitHub

7. Faker.js

generate massive amounts of fake data in Node.js and the browserFaker.js created by Marak, this repo was created in 2010

Now the number of Watchers for the Faker.js repo is 25,559, and it has a 2140 Forks

you can find here the official website for Faker.js

you can Click here Faker.js to download the master branch from GitHub

8. Jasmine

DOM-less simple JavaScript testing frameworkJasmine created by pivotal, this repo was created in 2008

Now the number of Watchers for the Jasmine repo is 14,966, and it has a 2206 Forks

you can find here the official website for Jasmine

you can Click here Jasmine to download the master branch from GitHub

9. Bluebird


Bluebird is a full featured promise library with unmatched performance.Bluebird created by petkaantonov, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Bluebird repo is 19,357, and it has a 2356 Forks

you can find here the official website for Bluebird

you can Click here Bluebird to download the master branch from GitHub

10. Platform

Reactive libraries for AngularPlatform created by ngrx, this repo was created in 2017

Now the number of Watchers for the Platform repo is 6,456, and it has a 1620 Forks

you can find here the official website for Platform

you can Click here Platform to download the master branch from GitHub

11. Bower

A package manager for the web, created at TwitterBower created by bower, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Bower repo is 15,134, and it has a 1963 Forks

you can find here the official website for Bower

you can Click here Bower to download the master branch from GitHub

12. Nightwatch

UI automated testing framework based on node.js and selenium webdriverNightwatch created by beatfactor, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Nightwatch repo is 10,445, and it has a 1031 Forks

you can find here the official website for Nightwatch

you can Click here Nightwatch to download the master branch from GitHub

13. Protractor


E2E test framework for Angular appsProtractor created by angular, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Protractor repo is 8,645, and it has a 2376 Forks

you can find here the official website for Protractor

you can Click here Protractor to download the master branch from GitHub

14. JSHint

JSHint is a community-driven tool to detect errors in JavaScript code and enforce your team's coding conventions.JSHint created by jshint, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the JSHint repo is 8,456, and it has a 1716 Forks

you can find here the official website for JSHint

you can Click here JSHint to download the master branch from GitHub

15. Sinon.js


Test spies, stubs and mocks for JavaScript.Sinon.js created by cjohansen, this repo was created in 2010

Now the number of Watchers for the Sinon.js repo is 8,219, and it has a 764 Forks

you can find here the official website for Sinon.js

you can Click here Sinon.js to download the master branch from GitHub

16. Nock

HTTP mocking and expectations libraryNock created by node-nock, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Nock repo is 10,017, and it has a 703 Forks

you can find here the official website for Nock

you can Click here Nock to download the master branch from GitHub

17. Testcafe


A Node.js tool to automate end-to-end web testing.Testcafe created by DevExpress, this repo was created in 2015

Now the number of Watchers for the Testcafe repo is 8,538, and it has a 566 Forks

you can find here the official website for Testcafe

you can Click here Testcafe to download the master branch from GitHub

18. Grunt

Grunt: The JavaScript Task RunnerGrunt created by gruntjs, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Grunt repo is 12,034, and it has a 1542 Forks

you can find here the official website for Grunt

you can Click here Grunt to download the master branch from GitHub

19. Browser Sync

Browser Sync

Keep multiple browsers & devices in sync when building websites. http://browsersync.ioBrowser Sync created by shakyShane, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Browser Sync repo is 11,248, and it has a 736 Forks

you can find here the official website for Browser Sync

you can Click here Browser Sync to download the master branch from GitHub

20. Stencil


A Web Component compiler for building fast, reusable UI components and Progressive Web Apps ???? Built by the Ionic Framework teamStencil created by ionic-team, this repo was created in 2017

Now the number of Watchers for the Stencil repo is 8,497, and it has a 540 Forks

you can find here the official website for Stencil

you can Click here Stencil to download the master branch from GitHub

21. Chai


BDD / TDD assertion framework for node.js and the browser that can be paired with any testing framework.Chai created by chaijs, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Chai repo is 7,034, and it has a 641 Forks

you can find here the official website for Chai

you can Click here Chai to download the master branch from GitHub

22. Casper JS

Navigation scripting & testing utility for PhantomJS and SlimerJSCasper JS created by n1k0, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Casper JS repo is 7,310, and it has a 1051 Forks

you can find here the official website for Casper JS

you can Click here Casper JS to download the master branch from GitHub

23. Hotel


Start apps from your browser and get local domains without editing /etc/hosts created by typicode, this repo was created in 2015

Now the number of Watchers for the Hotel repo is 9,384, and it has a 426 Forks

you can find here the official website for Hotel

you can Click here Hotel to download the master branch from GitHub

24. Gremlins.js

Monkey testing library for web apps and Node.jsGremlins.js created by marmelab, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Gremlins.js repo is 8,491, and it has a 416 Forks

you can find here the official website for Gremlins.js

you can Click here Gremlins.js to download the master branch from GitHub

25. Qunit

An easy-to-use JavaScript Unit Testing framework.Qunit created by jquery, this repo was created in 2009

Now the number of Watchers for the Qunit repo is 3,854, and it has a 774 Forks

you can find here the official website for Qunit

you can Click here Qunit to download the master branch from GitHub

26. Yeoman

Yeoman - a set of tools for automating development workflowYeoman created by yeoman, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Yeoman repo is 9,536, and it has a 762 Forks

you can find here the official website for Yeoman

you can Click here Yeoman to download the master branch from GitHub

27. Framer

Modern Prototyping ToolFramer created by koenbok, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Framer repo is 5,592, and it has a 505 Forks

you can find here the official website for Framer

you can Click here Framer to download the master branch from GitHub

28. Intern

A next-generation code testing stack for JavaScript.Intern created by theintern, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Intern repo is 4,279, and it has a 316 Forks

you can find here the official website for Intern

you can Click here Intern to download the master branch from GitHub

29. Holder

Holder renders image placeholders entirely on the client side.Holder created by imsky, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Holder repo is 5,731, and it has a 601 Forks

you can find here the official website for Holder

you can Click here Holder to download the master branch from GitHub

30. Shipit

Universal automation and deployment tool written in JavaScript.Shipit created by shipitjs, this repo was created in 2015

Now the number of Watchers for the Shipit repo is 5,074, and it has a 209 Forks

you can find here the official website for Shipit

you can Click here Shipit to download the master branch from GitHub

31. Phantom Css

Visual/CSS regression testing with PhantomJSPhantom Css created by Huddle, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Phantom Css repo is 4,766, and it has a 277 Forks

you can find here the official website for Phantom Css

you can Click here Phantom Css to download the master branch from GitHub

32. Broccoli

Browser compilation library – a build tool for applications that run in the browserBroccoli created by broccolijs, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Broccoli repo is 3,294, and it has a 218 Forks

you can find here the official website for Broccoli

you can Click here Broccoli to download the master branch from GitHub

33. Csscomb.js


CSS coding style formatterCsscomb.js created by csscomb, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Csscomb.js repo is 3,033, and it has a 464 Forks

you can find here the official website for Csscomb.js

you can Click here Csscomb.js to download the master branch from GitHub

34. Vorlonjs

A new, open source, extensible, platform-agnostic tool for remotely debugging and testing your JavaScript. Powered by node.js and socket.ioVorlonjs created by MicrosoftDX, this repo was created in 2015

Now the number of Watchers for the Vorlonjs repo is 2,877, and it has a 263 Forks

you can find here the official website for Vorlonjs

you can Click here Vorlonjs to download the master branch from GitHub

35. Stacktrace.js

Framework-agnostic, micro-library for getting stack traces in all web browsersStacktrace.js created by stacktracejs, this repo was created in 2010

Now the number of Watchers for the Stacktrace.js repo is 3,640, and it has a 299 Forks

you can find here the official website for Stacktrace.js

you can Click here Stacktrace.js to download the master branch from GitHub

36. Jquery Mockjax

The jQuery Mockjax Plugin provides a simple and extremely flexible interface for mocking or simulating ajax requests and responsesJquery Mockjax created by appendto, this repo was created in 2010

Now the number of Watchers for the Jquery Mockjax repo is 2,140, and it has a 382 Forks

you can find here the official website for Jquery Mockjax

you can Click here Jquery Mockjax to download the master branch from GitHub

37. Should.js

BDD style assertions for node.js -- test framework agnosticShould.js created by visionmedia, this repo was created in 2010

Now the number of Watchers for the Should.js repo is 2,763, and it has a 211 Forks

you can find here the official website for Should.js

you can Click here Should.js to download the master branch from GitHub

38. Blanket

blanket.js is a simple code coverage library for javascript. Designed to be easy to install and use, for both browser and nodejs.Blanket created by alex-seville, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Blanket repo is 1,411, and it has a 197 Forks

you can find here the official website for Blanket

you can Click here Blanket to download the master branch from GitHub

39. Fast Check

Property based testing framework for JavaScript (like QuickCheck) written in TypeScriptFast Check created by dubzzz, this repo was created in 2017

Now the number of Watchers for the Fast Check repo is 1,623, and it has a 79 Forks

you can find here the official website for Fast Check

you can Click here Fast Check to download the master branch from GitHub

40. Galen

Layout and functional testing framework for websitesGalen created by galenframework, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Galen repo is 1,388, and it has a 166 Forks

you can find here the official website for Galen

you can Click here Galen to download the master branch from GitHub

41. Prettydiff

Compare code instead of text.Prettydiff created by austincheney, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Prettydiff repo is 1,531, and it has a 140 Forks

you can find here the official website for Prettydiff

you can Click here Prettydiff to download the master branch from GitHub

42. Tlapse


???? Create a timelapse of your web development... or just automatically take screenshots of your hard work ;)Tlapse created by typicode, this repo was created in 2017

Now the number of Watchers for the Tlapse repo is 1,997, and it has a 66 Forks

you can find here the official website for Tlapse

you can Click here Tlapse to download the master branch from GitHub

43. Jasmine Ajax

Jasmine Ajax

jasmine-ajax - A library for faking Ajax responses in your Jasmine suite.Jasmine Ajax created by pivotal, this repo was created in 2010

Now the number of Watchers for the Jasmine Ajax repo is 547, and it has a 143 Forks

you can find here the official website for Jasmine Ajax

you can Click here Jasmine Ajax to download the master branch from GitHub

44. Quixote

CSS unit testingQuixote created by jamesshore, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the Quixote repo is 780, and it has a 44 Forks

you can find here the official website for Quixote

you can Click here Quixote to download the master branch from GitHub

45. Ampersand

Quickest way to get started with ampersand.Ampersand created by AmpersandJS, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the Ampersand repo is 814, and it has a 51 Forks

you can find here the official website for Ampersand

you can Click here Ampersand to download the master branch from GitHub

46. Punch

A fun and easy way to build modern websitesPunch created by laktek, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Punch repo is 1,186, and it has a 106 Forks

you can find here the official website for Punch

you can Click here Punch to download the master branch from GitHub

47. Wire


A light, fast, flexible Javascript IOC containerWire created by cujojs, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Wire repo is 855, and it has a 67 Forks

you can find here the official website for Wire

you can Click here Wire to download the master branch from GitHub

48. Trace Kit

Attempts to create stack traces for unhandled JavaScript exceptions in all major browsers.Trace Kit created by occ, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Trace Kit repo is 1,061, and it has a 72 Forks

you can find here the official website for Trace Kit

you can Click here Trace Kit to download the master branch from GitHub

49. Pioneer

Integration TestingPioneer created by mojotech, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Pioneer repo is 537, and it has a 41 Forks

you can find here the official website for Pioneer

you can Click here Pioneer to download the master branch from GitHub

50. Js Cover

JSCover is a tool that measures code coverage for JavaScript programs. Js Cover created by tntim96, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Js Cover repo is 377, and it has a 85 Forks

you can find here the official website for Js Cover

you can Click here Js Cover to download the master branch from GitHub

51. Angular Js Boilerplate

Simple AngularJS Boilerplate to kick start your new project with SASS support and Gulp watch/build tasksAngular Js Boilerplate created by jbutko, this repo was created in 2015

Now the number of Watchers for the Angular Js Boilerplate repo is 406, and it has a 150 Forks

you can find here the official website for Angular Js Boilerplate

you can Click here Angular Js Boilerplate to download the master branch from GitHub

52. Generator Mcfly

A Yeoman generator for scaffolding an application using angular, browserify, ionic and famousGenerator Mcfly created by mcfly-io, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the Generator Mcfly repo is 330, and it has a 49 Forks

you can find here the official website for Generator Mcfly

you can Click here Generator Mcfly to download the master branch from GitHub

53. Logerr

Playing with console errors, experimental project.Logerr created by i-break-codes, this repo was created in 2016

Now the number of Watchers for the Logerr repo is 398, and it has a 26 Forks

you can find here the official website for Logerr

you can Click here Logerr to download the master branch from GitHub

54. Headstart

An automated front-end setupHeadstart created by flovan, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Headstart repo is 541, and it has a 38 Forks

you can find here the official website for Headstart

you can Click here Headstart to download the master branch from GitHub

55. Rulers Guides.js

Creates Photoshop-like guides and rulers interface on a web pageRulers Guides.js created by mark-rolich, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Rulers Guides.js repo is 894, and it has a 100 Forks

you can find here the official website for Rulers Guides.js

you can Click here Rulers Guides.js to download the master branch from GitHub

56. Brjs

BladeRunnerJS (BRJS) is an open source development toolkit and framework for modular construction of large single-page HTML5 apps. It consists of a set of conventions, supporting tools and micro-libraries that make it easy to develop, test, deploy and maintain complex JavaScript apps.Brjs created by BladeRunnerJS, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Brjs repo is 232, and it has a 36 Forks

you can find here the official website for Brjs

you can Click here Brjs to download the master branch from GitHub

57. Boomerang

End user oriented web performance testing and beaconingBoomerang created by bluesmoon, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Boomerang repo is 193, and it has a 26 Forks

you can find here the official website for Boomerang

you can Click here Boomerang to download the master branch from GitHub

58. Mimosa


A lightning-fast, modular, next generation browser development tool.Mimosa created by dbashford, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Mimosa repo is 532, and it has a 37 Forks

you can find here the official website for Mimosa

you can Click here Mimosa to download the master branch from GitHub

59. Screenlog.js


Bring console.log on the screenScreenlog.js created by chinchang, this repo was created in 2015

Now the number of Watchers for the Screenlog.js repo is 586, and it has a 63 Forks

you can find here the official website for Screenlog.js

you can Click here Screenlog.js to download the master branch from GitHub

60. Hashgrid

A little tool that inserts a layout grid in web pages, allows you to hold it in place, and toggle between displaying it in the foreground or background.Hashgrid created by dotjay, this repo was created in 2009

Now the number of Watchers for the Hashgrid repo is 457, and it has a 49 Forks

you can find here the official website for Hashgrid

you can Click here Hashgrid to download the master branch from GitHub

61. Csscritic

A lightweight framework for regression testing of Cascading Style SheetsCsscritic created by cburgmer, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Csscritic repo is 456, and it has a 20 Forks

you can find here the official website for Csscritic

you can Click here Csscritic to download the master branch from GitHub

62. Roughdraft.js

Quickly create an interactive HTML mock-up by auto sourcing lorem ipsum/images generators, with minimal html markup, and no server side codeRoughdraft.js created by ndreckshage, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Roughdraft.js repo is 467, and it has a 37 Forks

you can find here the official website for Roughdraft.js

you can Click here Roughdraft.js to download the master branch from GitHub


remote monitoring and debugging for created by drewblaisdell, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the repo is 448, and it has a 13 Forks

you can find here the official website for

you can Click here to download the master branch from GitHub

64. Spa Eye

Backbone debugger for FirefoxSpa Eye created by dhruvaray, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Spa Eye repo is 190, and it has a 12 Forks

you can find here the official website for Spa Eye

you can Click here Spa Eye to download the master branch from GitHub

65. Apitizer

API mocking for client JavaScript applicationsApitizer created by retro, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the Apitizer repo is 334, and it has a 11 Forks

you can find here the official website for Apitizer

you can Click here Apitizer to download the master branch from GitHub

66. Angular Debaser

Just a better way to test AngularJS apps.Angular Debaser created by decipherinc, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the Angular Debaser repo is 109, and it has a 3 Forks

you can find here the official website for Angular Debaser

you can Click here Angular Debaser to download the master branch from GitHub

67. Jscritic

Quickly check how well 3rd party script behaves.Jscritic created by kangax, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the Jscritic repo is 119, and it has a 8 Forks

you can find here the official website for Jscritic

you can Click here Jscritic to download the master branch from GitHub

68. Thrill


Runs tests in many browsers.Thrill created by turn, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Thrill repo is 0, and it has a 0 Forks

you can find here the official website for Thrill

you can Click here Thrill to download the master branch from GitHub


That's all about Top 68 Javascript development aids Libraries You Should Know.

What is your favorite JavaScript library? Feel free to share in the comments below.

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