1. Ionic
Advanced HTML5 Mobile App Framework. A beautiful front-end framework for developing hybrid mobile apps in HTML5. Best friends with AngularJS.Ionic created by driftyco, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Ionic repo is 42,032, and it has a 13282 Forks
you can find here the official website for Ionic
you can Click here Ionic to download the master branch from GitHub
2. Native Script

NativeScript is an open source framework for building truly native mobile apps with JavaScript. Use web skills, like Angular and Vue.js, FlexBox and CSS, and get native UI and performance on iOS and Android.Native Script created by NativeScript, this repo was created in 2015
Now the number of Watchers for the Native Script repo is 19,164, and it has a 1416 Forks
you can find here the official website for Native Script
you can Click here Native Script to download the master branch from GitHub
3. Vux

Mobile UI Components based on Vue & WeUIVux created by airyland, this repo was created in 2016
Now the number of Watchers for the Vux repo is 17,272, and it has a 3851 Forks
you can find here the official website for Vux
you can Click here Vux to download the master branch from GitHub
4. Jquery UI
The official jQuery user interface library.Jquery UI created by jquery, this repo was created in 2010
Now the number of Watchers for the Jquery UI repo is 10,862, and it has a 5231 Forks
you can find here the official website for Jquery UI
you can Click here Jquery UI to download the master branch from GitHub
5. Hammer.js
A javascript library for multi-touch gestures Hammer.js created by EightMedia, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Hammer.js repo is 21,793, and it has a 2622 Forks
you can find here the official website for Hammer.js
you can Click here Hammer.js to download the master branch from GitHub
6. Fastclick
Polyfill to remove click delays on browsers with touch UIsFastclick created by ftlabs, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Fastclick repo is 18,317, and it has a 3274 Forks
you can find here the official website for Fastclick
you can Click here Fastclick to download the master branch from GitHub
7. Ratchet
Prototype iPhone apps with simple HTML, CSS, and JS components. Ratchet created by maker, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Ratchet repo is 14,426, and it has a 1504 Forks
you can find here the official website for Ratchet
you can Click here Ratchet to download the master branch from GitHub
8. jQuery Mobile
jQuery Mobile FrameworkjQuery Mobile created by jquery, this repo was created in 2010
Now the number of Watchers for the jQuery Mobile repo is 9,882, and it has a 2552 Forks
you can find here the official website for jQuery Mobile
you can Click here jQuery Mobile to download the master branch from GitHub
9. Onsen Ui

Custom Elements-Based HTML5 UI Framework for Building Your Mobile Front EndOnsen Ui created by OnsenUI, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Onsen Ui repo is 8,122, and it has a 920 Forks
you can find here the official website for Onsen Ui
you can Click here Onsen Ui to download the master branch from GitHub
10. iScroll
Smooth scrolling for the webiScroll created by cubiq, this repo was created in 2010
Now the number of Watchers for the iScroll repo is 12,578, and it has a 3789 Forks
you can find here the official website for iScroll
you can Click here iScroll to download the master branch from GitHub
11. Slideout
A touch slideout navigation menu for your mobile web apps.Slideout created by Mango, this repo was created in 2015
Now the number of Watchers for the Slideout repo is 7,938, and it has a 1252 Forks
you can find here the official website for Slideout
you can Click here Slideout to download the master branch from GitHub
12. Swipe
a lightweight mobile sliderSwipe created by bradbirdsall, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Swipe repo is 6,843, and it has a 1795 Forks
you can find here the official website for Swipe
you can Click here Swipe to download the master branch from GitHub
13. Device.js
Device.js makes it easy to write conditional CSS and/or JavaScript based on device operating system (iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows, Firefox OS), orientation (Portrait vs. Landscape), and type (Tablet vs. Mobile).Device.js created by matthewhudson, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Device.js repo is 3,632, and it has a 598 Forks
you can find here the official website for Device.js
you can Click here Device.js to download the master branch from GitHub
14. Touch Swipe jQuery Plugin
TouchSwipe is a jquery plugin to be used with jQuery on touch input devices such as iPad, iPhone etc. Touch Swipe jQuery Plugin created by mattbryson, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Touch Swipe jQuery Plugin repo is 4,051, and it has a 1743 Forks
you can find here the official website for Touch Swipe jQuery Plugin
you can Click here Touch Swipe jQuery Plugin to download the master branch from GitHub
15. Snap.js
A Library for creating beautiful mobile shelves in JavascriptSnap.js created by jakiestfu, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Snap.js repo is 6,059, and it has a 728 Forks
you can find here the official website for Snap.js
you can Click here Snap.js to download the master branch from GitHub
16. J Query.mmenu
The best jQuery plugin for app look-alike on- and off-canvas menus with sliding submenus for your website and webapp.J Query.mmenu created by BeSite, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the J Query.mmenu repo is 2,421, and it has a 629 Forks
you can find here the official website for J Query.mmenu
you can Click here J Query.mmenu to download the master branch from GitHub
17. Foo Table
jQuery plugin to make HTML tables responsiveFoo Table created by bradvin, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Foo Table repo is 2,135, and it has a 661 Forks
you can find here the official website for Foo Table
you can Click here Foo Table to download the master branch from GitHub
18. Brick
UI Web Components for Mobile Web AppsBrick created by mozilla, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Brick repo is 3,017, and it has a 230 Forks
you can find here the official website for Brick
you can Click here Brick to download the master branch from GitHub
19. Lungo.js
A framework for developers who want to design, build and share cross device applications.Lungo.js created by TapQuo, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Lungo.js repo is 2,448, and it has a 606 Forks
you can find here the official website for Lungo.js
you can Click here Lungo.js to download the master branch from GitHub
20. jQuery UI Touch Punch
A duck punch for adding touch events to jQuery UIjQuery UI Touch Punch created by furf, this repo was created in 2010
Now the number of Watchers for the jQuery UI Touch Punch repo is 3,382, and it has a 1172 Forks
you can find here the official website for jQuery UI Touch Punch
you can Click here jQuery UI Touch Punch to download the master branch from GitHub
21. QuoJs
Micro JavaScript library for mobile devicesQuoJs created by soyjavi, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the QuoJs repo is 2,091, and it has a 256 Forks
you can find here the official website for QuoJs
you can Click here QuoJs to download the master branch from GitHub
22. Pressure
:point_down::boom: JavaScript library for handling Force Touch, 3D Touch, and Pointer Pressure.Pressure created by stuyam, this repo was created in 2015
Now the number of Watchers for the Pressure repo is 2,675, and it has a 100 Forks
you can find here the official website for Pressure
you can Click here Pressure to download the master branch from GitHub
23. Mobiscroll
The customizable HTML5 spinner/scroller control for touch devices like smartphones and tabletsMobiscroll created by acidb, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Mobiscroll repo is 1,467, and it has a 451 Forks
you can find here the official website for Mobiscroll
you can Click here Mobiscroll to download the master branch from GitHub
24. Tabris Js
tabris.js - native apps in JavaScriptTabris Js created by eclipsesource, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Tabris Js repo is 1,232, and it has a 175 Forks
you can find here the official website for Tabris Js
you can Click here Tabris Js to download the master branch from GitHub
25. Pushy
Pushy is a responsive off-canvas navigation menu using CSS transforms & transitionsPushy created by christophery, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Pushy repo is 1,477, and it has a 228 Forks
you can find here the official website for Pushy
you can Click here Pushy to download the master branch from GitHub
26. Pep
Pep, a lightweight jQuery plugin for kinetic drag on mobile/desktopPep created by briangonzalez, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Pep repo is 1,320, and it has a 192 Forks
you can find here the official website for Pep
you can Click here Pep to download the master branch from GitHub
27. Slidebars
Slidebars is a jQuery framework for quickly and easily implementing app style off-canvas space into your website.Slidebars created by adchsm, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Slidebars repo is 1,551, and it has a 331 Forks
you can find here the official website for Slidebars
you can Click here Slidebars to download the master branch from GitHub
28. Shake.js
A custom 'shake' event plugin for mobile web browsers using device accelerometer.Shake.js created by alexgibson, this repo was created in 2010
Now the number of Watchers for the Shake.js repo is 1,458, and it has a 281 Forks
you can find here the official website for Shake.js
you can Click here Shake.js to download the master branch from GitHub
29. Jo
Jo is a thin (~12K) candy shell for PhoneGap apps. It's an HTML5 mobile app framework which provides UI widgets, a flexible event model, a wrapper for sound, and a light data layer. Apps are skinnable with CSS3, and work everywhere PhoneGap does... and then some, including Adobe Air and OSX (desktop and dashboard).Jo created by davebalmer, this repo was created in 2010
Now the number of Watchers for the Jo repo is 1,217, and it has a 193 Forks
you can find here the official website for Jo
you can Click here Jo to download the master branch from GitHub
30. Bootstrap Touchspin
A mobile and touch friendly input spinner component for Bootstrap 3.Bootstrap Touchspin created by istvan-ujjmeszaros, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Bootstrap Touchspin repo is 488, and it has a 161 Forks
you can find here the official website for Bootstrap Touchspin
you can Click here Bootstrap Touchspin to download the master branch from GitHub
31. Dragend
dragend JS – a touch ready, full responsive, content swipe scriptDragend created by Stereobit, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Dragend repo is 497, and it has a 126 Forks
you can find here the official website for Dragend
you can Click here Dragend to download the master branch from GitHub
32. Tiny Nav.js
Responsive navigation plugin that weighs just 443 bytesTiny Nav.js created by viljamis, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Tiny Nav.js repo is 649, and it has a 216 Forks
you can find here the official website for Tiny Nav.js
you can Click here Tiny Nav.js to download the master branch from GitHub
33. Restive.js
The Easiest Way to Make your Website Responsive or Adaptive!Restive.js created by obihill, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Restive.js repo is 524, and it has a 118 Forks
you can find here the official website for Restive.js
you can Click here Restive.js to download the master branch from GitHub
34. Agile
Agile Css3 EngineAgile created by a-jie, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Agile repo is 486, and it has a 68 Forks
you can find here the official website for Agile
you can Click here Agile to download the master branch from GitHub
35. Media Check
Control JS with mediaqueriesMedia Check created by sparkbox, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Media Check repo is 234, and it has a 38 Forks
you can find here the official website for Media Check
you can Click here Media Check to download the master branch from GitHub
36. Pointer.js
Pointer.js consolidates pointer-like input models across browsers and devices.Pointer.js created by borismus, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Pointer.js repo is 461, and it has a 30 Forks
you can find here the official website for Pointer.js
you can Click here Pointer.js to download the master branch from GitHub
37. Naver
A jQuery plugin for responsive navigation.Naver created by FormstoneClassic, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Naver repo is 236, and it has a 64 Forks
you can find here the official website for Naver
you can Click here Naver to download the master branch from GitHub
38. Responsible
Responsible.js - Give visitors the choice of what mobile experience they want. Adds Toggle for mobile to desktop switching without page reloadsResponsible created by DavidWells, this repo was created in 2015
Now the number of Watchers for the Responsible repo is 164, and it has a 21 Forks
you can find here the official website for Responsible
you can Click here Responsible to download the master branch from GitHub
That's all about 38 Useful JavaScript mobile and touch Libraries.
If you have any questions or feedback about this post, 38 Useful JavaScript mobile and touch Libraries. then please drop a note