Top 34 Javascript games Libraries You Should Know

In this article, we will discuss Top 34 Most Popular games which you can use to build your next project.

JavaScript is the programming language of the Web And JavaScript is a programming language that adds interactivity to your website, JavaScript also provides the facility of creating presentations which gives website look and feel.

After learning JavaScript basics (up through the Objects lesson), try applying JavaScript to:

Top 34 Javascript games Libraries You Should Know

1. Pixi.js

Super fast HTML 5 2D rendering engine that uses webGL with canvas fallbackPixi.js created by GoodBoyDigital, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Pixi.js repo is 30,967, and it has a 4183 Forks

you can find here the official website for Pixi.js

you can Click here Pixi.js to download the master branch from GitHub

2. Babylon.js

Babylon.js: a complete JavaScript framework for building 3D games with HTML 5 and WebGLBabylon.js created by BabylonJS, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Babylon.js repo is 12,535, and it has a 2248 Forks

you can find here the official website for Babylon.js

you can Click here Babylon.js to download the master branch from GitHub

3. Phaser

Phaser is a light-weight 2D game framework for making HTML5 games for desktop and mobile browsersPhaser created by photonstorm, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Phaser repo is 28,364, and it has a 6312 Forks

you can find here the official website for Phaser

you can Click here Phaser to download the master branch from GitHub

4. Matter JS

a 2D rigid body physics engine for the webMatter JS created by liabru, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the Matter JS repo is 10,697, and it has a 1294 Forks

you can find here the official website for Matter JS

you can Click here Matter JS to download the master branch from GitHub

5. Egret Core

Egret is a brand new open mobile game and application engine which allows you to quickly build mobile games and apps on Android,iOS and Windows.Egret Core created by egret-labs, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the Egret Core repo is 3,408, and it has a 693 Forks

you can find here the official website for Egret Core

you can Click here Egret Core to download the master branch from GitHub

6. Melon JS

a fresh & lightweight javascript game engineMelon JS created by melonjs, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Melon JS repo is 3,204, and it has a 513 Forks

you can find here the official website for Melon JS

you can Click here Melon JS to download the master branch from GitHub

7. Crafty


Crafty is a JavaScript game library that can help you create games in a structured way.Crafty created by craftyjs, this repo was created in 2010

Now the number of Watchers for the Crafty repo is 2,933, and it has a 553 Forks

you can find here the official website for Crafty

you can Click here Crafty to download the master branch from GitHub

8. Turbulenz Engine

Turbulenz is a modular 3D and 2D game framework for making HTML5 powered games for browsers and mobile devices.Turbulenz Engine created by turbulenz, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Turbulenz Engine repo is 3,121, and it has a 467 Forks

you can find here the official website for Turbulenz Engine

you can Click here Turbulenz Engine to download the master branch from GitHub

9. PhysicsJS

A modular, extendable, and easy-to-use physics engine for javascriptPhysicsJS created by wellcaffeinated, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the PhysicsJS repo is 3,336, and it has a 400 Forks

you can find here the official website for PhysicsJS

you can Click here PhysicsJS to download the master branch from GitHub

10. Rot.js

ROguelike ToolkitRot.js created by ondras, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Rot.js repo is 1,764, and it has a 222 Forks

you can find here the official website for Rot.js

you can Click here Rot.js to download the master branch from GitHub

11. Verlet JS

A simple Verlet physics engine written in javascriptVerlet JS created by subprotocol, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Verlet JS repo is 3,622, and it has a 464 Forks

you can find here the official website for Verlet JS

you can Click here Verlet JS to download the master branch from GitHub

12. Cutjs


Lightweight, fast, interactable 2D HTML5 rendering engine for cross-platform game development.Cutjs created by piqnt, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Cutjs repo is 1,995, and it has a 228 Forks

you can find here the official website for Cutjs

you can Click here Cutjs to download the master branch from GitHub

13. Enchant.js

A simple JavaScript framework for creating games and appsEnchant.js created by wise9, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Enchant.js repo is 1,663, and it has a 324 Forks

you can find here the official website for Enchant.js

you can Click here Enchant.js to download the master branch from GitHub

14. Nipplejs

A virtual joystick for touch capable interfaces.Nipplejs created by yoannmoinet, this repo was created in 2015

Now the number of Watchers for the Nipplejs repo is 1,242, and it has a 137 Forks

you can find here the official website for Nipplejs

you can Click here Nipplejs to download the master branch from GitHub

15. Limejs

HTML5 game framework for web and iOSLimejs created by digitalfruit, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Limejs repo is 1,413, and it has a 291 Forks

you can find here the official website for Limejs

you can Click here Limejs to download the master branch from GitHub

16. Easystar.js


An asynchronous A* pathfinding API written in Javascript.Easystar.js created by prettymuchbryce, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Easystar.js repo is 1,667, and it has a 162 Forks

you can find here the official website for Easystar.js

you can Click here Easystar.js to download the master branch from GitHub

17. Superpowers Core

:octopus: Superpowers — Extensible HTML5 app for real-time collaborative projectsSuperpowers Core created by superpowers, this repo was created in 2015

Now the number of Watchers for the Superpowers Core repo is 1,461, and it has a 128 Forks

you can find here the official website for Superpowers Core

you can Click here Superpowers Core to download the master branch from GitHub

18. Kiwi.js

Kiwi.js is a blazingly fast mobile & desktop browser based HTML5 game framework. It uses CocoonJS for publishing to the AppStore.Kiwi.js created by gamelab, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Kiwi.js repo is 1,172, and it has a 214 Forks

you can find here the official website for Kiwi.js

you can Click here Kiwi.js to download the master branch from GitHub

19. Lychee JS

Environment-Independent JavaScript engine (HTML5 Canvas, V8GL, WebGL, native OpenGL, NodeJS)Lychee JS created by LazerUnicorns, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Lychee JS repo is 716, and it has a 114 Forks

you can find here the official website for Lychee JS

you can Click here Lychee JS to download the master branch from GitHub

20. Phina.js

phina.js is game libraryPhina.js created by phi-jp, this repo was created in 2015

Now the number of Watchers for the Phina.js repo is 280, and it has a 43 Forks

you can find here the official website for Phina.js

you can Click here Phina.js to download the master branch from GitHub

21. Blend4 Web

Blend4Web is a tool for interactive 3D visualization on the InternetBlend4 Web created by TriumphLLC, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the Blend4 Web repo is 657, and it has a 139 Forks

you can find here the official website for Blend4 Web

you can Click here Blend4 Web to download the master branch from GitHub

22. Playground

Playground.js is a framework for your javascript based games. It gives you out-of-box access to essentials like mouse, keyboard, sound and well designed architecture that you can expand to your needs.Playground created by rezoner, this repo was created in 2015

Now the number of Watchers for the Playground repo is 436, and it has a 48 Forks

you can find here the official website for Playground

you can Click here Playground to download the master branch from GitHub

23. Isometric

JSIso - An HTML5 Canvas Tile Engine Isometric created by beakable, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Isometric repo is 523, and it has a 72 Forks

you can find here the official website for Isometric

you can Click here Isometric to download the master branch from GitHub

24. Gamejs

GameJs is a thin library on top of the HTML canvas element. In addition to the drawing functions it has a set of generally helpful modules for game development.Gamejs created by oberhamsi, this repo was created in 2010

Now the number of Watchers for the Gamejs repo is 438, and it has a 108 Forks

you can find here the official website for Gamejs

you can Click here Gamejs to download the master branch from GitHub

25. Verly.js

:red_circle::wavy_dash::large_blue_circle::wavy_dash::black_circle: Easy to integrate Verlet physics engine. :link: Verly.js created by anuraghazra, this repo was created in 2019

Now the number of Watchers for the Verly.js repo is 318, and it has a 32 Forks

you can find here the official website for Verly.js

you can Click here Verly.js to download the master branch from GitHub

26. Canvas Engine

Framework for HTML5 Canvas oriented 2D video gamesCanvas Engine created by RSamaium, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Canvas Engine repo is 368, and it has a 111 Forks

you can find here the official website for Canvas Engine

you can Click here Canvas Engine to download the master branch from GitHub

27. Black

World's fastest HTML5 2D game engine   ????Black created by MassiveHeights, this repo was created in 2017

Now the number of Watchers for the Black repo is 164, and it has a 11 Forks

you can find here the official website for Black

you can Click here Black to download the master branch from GitHub

28. Coquette

A micro framework for JavaScript gamesCoquette created by maryrosecook, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Coquette repo is 395, and it has a 32 Forks

you can find here the official website for Coquette

you can Click here Coquette to download the master branch from GitHub

29. Tmlib.js

JavaScript をより使いやすく, より便利に, そしてより豊かに.Tmlib.js created by phi-jp, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Tmlib.js repo is 212, and it has a 42 Forks

you can find here the official website for Tmlib.js

you can Click here Tmlib.js to download the master branch from GitHub

30. Keydrown

A JavaScript key state handler for web appsKeydrown created by jeremyckahn, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Keydrown repo is 193, and it has a 22 Forks

you can find here the official website for Keydrown

you can Click here Keydrown to download the master branch from GitHub

31. Frozen

Frozen is an open-source HTML5 game engine delivering ease-of-use, rapid development through tooling and modularity.Frozen created by iceddev, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Frozen repo is 127, and it has a 25 Forks

you can find here the official website for Frozen

you can Click here Frozen to download the master branch from GitHub

32. Chem

html5 game engine optimized for rapid developmentChem created by superjoe30, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Chem repo is 168, and it has a 6 Forks

you can find here the official website for Chem

you can Click here Chem to download the master branch from GitHub

33. Joy.js

A Joyful 2D HTML5 Game Engine.Joy.js created by joy, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Joy.js repo is 142, and it has a 18 Forks

you can find here the official website for Joy.js

you can Click here Joy.js to download the master branch from GitHub

34. Flash JS

JavaScript graphics and games engine with API familiar to Flash one. Just look to examples sources.Flash JS created by PixelsCommander, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Flash JS repo is 173, and it has a 40 Forks

you can find here the official website for Flash JS

you can Click here Flash JS to download the master branch from GitHub


Thanks for reading this article so far.

What is your favorite JavaScript library? Feel free to share in the comments below.

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