Top 28 Best JavaScript audio For Web Developer

In this article, we will discuss 28 of the best JavaScript audio libraries which you can use to build your next project.

JavaScript is a programming language that adds interactivity to your website And Javascript is one of the most widely used programming languages -Front-end as well as Back-end-, JavaScript is an open-source & most popular client-side scripting language supported by all browsers.

You need to learn about JavaScript data types, built-in methods, and variables. and how to use if, else if, else, switch, and ternary syntax to control the flow of a program in JavaScript

Top 28 Best JavaScript audio For Web Developer

1. Howler.js


Javascript audio library for the modern web.Howler.js created by goldfire, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Howler.js repo is 17,382, and it has a 1817 Forks

you can find here the official website for Howler.js

you can Click here Howler.js to download the master branch from GitHub

2. Tone.js

A Web Audio framework for making interactive music in the browser.Tone.js created by Tonejs, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the Tone.js repo is 10,363, and it has a 789 Forks

you can find here the official website for Tone.js

you can Click here Tone.js to download the master branch from GitHub

3. Wavesurfer.js

Navigable waveform built on Web Audio and CanvasWavesurfer.js created by katspaugh, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Wavesurfer.js repo is 4,756, and it has a 1100 Forks

you can find here the official website for Wavesurfer.js

you can Click here Wavesurfer.js to download the master branch from GitHub

4. Amplitudejs


A Javascript library that allows you to control the design of your media controls in your webpage -- not the browser. No dependencies (jQuery not required)Amplitudejs created by 521dimensions, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Amplitudejs repo is 3,572, and it has a 410 Forks

you can find here the official website for Amplitudejs

you can Click here Amplitudejs to download the master branch from GitHub

5. Vexflow

A JavaScript library for rendering music notation and guitar tablature.Vexflow created by 0xfe, this repo was created in 2010

Now the number of Watchers for the Vexflow repo is 2,809, and it has a 528 Forks

you can find here the official website for Vexflow

you can Click here Vexflow to download the master branch from GitHub

6. Sound Manager 2

A JavaScript Sound API supporting MP3, MPEG4 and HTML5 audio + (experimental) RTMP, providing reliable cross-browser/platform audio control in as little as 10 KB. BSD licensed.Sound Manager 2 created by scottschiller, this repo was created in 2010

Now the number of Watchers for the Sound Manager 2 repo is 4,626, and it has a 828 Forks

you can find here the official website for Sound Manager 2

you can Click here Sound Manager 2 to download the master branch from GitHub

7. Sound JS

A Javascript library for working with Audio. Features a simple interface as the front end to multiple audio APIs via a plugin model. Currently supports HTML5 Audio & Flash.Sound JS created by CreateJS, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Sound JS repo is 3,920, and it has a 843 Forks

you can find here the official website for Sound JS

you can Click here Sound JS to download the master branch from GitHub

8. Midi.js

Making life easy to create a MIDI-app on the web. Includes a library to program synesthesia into your app for memory recognition or for creating trippy effects. Convert soundfonts for Guitar, Bass, Drums, ect. into code that can be read by the browser. Supports multiple simultaneous instruments and perfect timing.Midi.js created by mudcube, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Midi.js repo is 3,218, and it has a 587 Forks

you can find here the official website for Midi.js

you can Click here Midi.js to download the master branch from GitHub

9. Audio.js

A cross-browser javascript wrapper for the html5 audio tagAudio.js created by kolber, this repo was created in 2010

Now the number of Watchers for the Audio.js repo is 2,027, and it has a 446 Forks

you can find here the official website for Audio.js

you can Click here Audio.js to download the master branch from GitHub

10. Web Audio Api

The Web Audio API, developed by the W3C Audio WGWeb Audio Api created by WebAudio, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Web Audio Api repo is 772, and it has a 128 Forks

you can find here the official website for Web Audio Api

you can Click here Web Audio Api to download the master branch from GitHub

11. Wad

Web Audio DAW. Use the HTML5 Web Audio API for dynamic sound synthesis. It's like jQuery for your ears. Wad created by rserota, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Wad repo is 1,322, and it has a 140 Forks

you can find here the official website for Wad

you can Click here Wad to download the master branch from GitHub

12. Pizzicato

Library to simplify the way you create and manipulate sounds with the Web Audio API.Pizzicato created by alemangui, this repo was created in 2015

Now the number of Watchers for the Pizzicato repo is 1,214, and it has a 106 Forks

you can find here the official website for Pizzicato

you can Click here Pizzicato to download the master branch from GitHub

13. Buzz

Buzz is a small but powerful Javascript library that allows you to easily take advantage of the new HTML5 audio element. It tries to degrade gracefully on non-modern browsers.Buzz created by jaysalvat, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Buzz repo is 1,202, and it has a 237 Forks

you can find here the official website for Buzz

you can Click here Buzz to download the master branch from GitHub

14. Teoria

A JavaScript music theory framework.Teoria created by saebekassebil, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Teoria repo is 1,126, and it has a 112 Forks

you can find here the official website for Teoria

you can Click here Teoria to download the master branch from GitHub

15. Tuna

An audio effects library for Web Audio, made by www.dinahmoe.comTuna created by Dinahmoe, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Tuna repo is 1,284, and it has a 101 Forks

you can find here the official website for Tuna

you can Click here Tuna to download the master branch from GitHub

16. Alpha Tab

alphaTab is a cross platform music notation and guitar tablature rendering library.Alpha Tab created by CoderLine, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Alpha Tab repo is 598, and it has a 133 Forks

you can find here the official website for Alpha Tab

you can Click here Alpha Tab to download the master branch from GitHub

17. Jsmediatags

Media Tags Reader (ID3, MP4, FLAC)Jsmediatags created by aadsm, this repo was created in 2015

Now the number of Watchers for the Jsmediatags repo is 496, and it has a 96 Forks

you can find here the official website for Jsmediatags

you can Click here Jsmediatags to download the master branch from GitHub

18. Audio5js

The HTML5 Audio Compatibility LayerAudio5js created by zohararad, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Audio5js repo is 636, and it has a 141 Forks

you can find here the official website for Audio5js

you can Click here Audio5js to download the master branch from GitHub

19. Timbre.js

JavaScript library for objective sound programmingTimbre.js created by mohayonao, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Timbre.js repo is 957, and it has a 76 Forks

you can find here the official website for Timbre.js

you can Click here Timbre.js to download the master branch from GitHub

20. Audiolet

A JavaScript library for real-time audio synthesis and composition from within the browserAudiolet created by oampo, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Audiolet repo is 883, and it has a 123 Forks

you can find here the official website for Audiolet

you can Click here Audiolet to download the master branch from GitHub

21. Speak.js

Text-to-Speech in JavaScript using eSpeakSpeak.js created by kripken, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Speak.js repo is 1,102, and it has a 283 Forks

you can find here the official website for Speak.js

you can Click here Speak.js to download the master branch from GitHub

22. Waud


Web Audio LibraryWaud created by waud, this repo was created in 2015

Now the number of Watchers for the Waud repo is 637, and it has a 39 Forks

you can find here the official website for Waud

you can Click here Waud to download the master branch from GitHub

23. Pedalboard.js

Open source JavaScript framework for developing audio effects for guitars using the Web Audio API.Pedalboard.js created by dashersw, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Pedalboard.js repo is 752, and it has a 102 Forks

you can find here the official website for Pedalboard.js

you can Click here Pedalboard.js to download the master branch from GitHub

24. Midi Writer Js

♬ JavaScript library providing an API for programmatically generating expressive multi-track MIDI files in browser and Node.Midi Writer Js created by grimmdude, this repo was created in 2016

Now the number of Watchers for the Midi Writer Js repo is 350, and it has a 36 Forks

you can find here the official website for Midi Writer Js

you can Click here Midi Writer Js to download the master branch from GitHub

25. Flac.js

FLAC decoder in JavaScriptFlac.js created by audiocogs, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Flac.js repo is 517, and it has a 50 Forks

you can find here the official website for Flac.js

you can Click here Flac.js to download the master branch from GitHub

26. Flocking

Flocking - Creative audio synthesis for the WebFlocking created by colinbdclark, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Flocking repo is 1, and it has a 0 Forks

you can find here the official website for Flocking

you can Click here Flocking to download the master branch from GitHub

27. Mp3.js

A JavaScript MP3 decoder for Aurora.jsMp3.js created by audiocogs, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Mp3.js repo is 231, and it has a 43 Forks

you can find here the official website for Mp3.js

you can Click here Mp3.js to download the master branch from GitHub

28. Webaudio.js

web audio library for gamesWebaudio.js created by jeromeetienne, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Webaudio.js repo is 100, and it has a 15 Forks

you can find here the official website for Webaudio.js

you can Click here Webaudio.js to download the master branch from GitHub


These are 28 of the best JavaScript audio libraries that you can try and start using in your projects today.

If you have any other JS audio you’d like to suggest? Let us know on Facebook

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