1. Chart.js
Simple HTML5 Charts using the
Now the number of Watchers for the Chart.js repo is 50,795, and it has a 10680 Forks
you can find here the official website for Chart.js
you can Click here Chart.js to download the master branch from GitHub
2. Typeorm
ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript (ES7, ES6, ES5). Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Oracle, WebSQL databases. Works in NodeJS, Browser, Ionic, Cordova and Electron platforms.Typeorm created by typeorm, this repo was created in 2016
Now the number of Watchers for the Typeorm repo is 21,523, and it has a 3576 Forks
you can find here the official website for Typeorm
you can Click here Typeorm to download the master branch from GitHub
3. Incubator Echarts
A powerful, interactive charting and visualization library for browserIncubator Echarts created by apache, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Incubator Echarts repo is 43,402, and it has a 15897 Forks
you can find here the official website for Incubator Echarts
you can Click here Incubator Echarts to download the master branch from GitHub
4. Sequelize
An easy-to-use multi SQL dialect ORM for Node.jsSequelize created by sequelize, this repo was created in 2010
Now the number of Watchers for the Sequelize repo is 23,089, and it has a 3563 Forks
you can find here the official website for Sequelize
you can Click here Sequelize to download the master branch from GitHub
5. JS Xlsx
Javascript XLSX / XLSM / XLSB (Excel 2007+) parser and (one day) writerJS Xlsx created by SheetJS, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the JS Xlsx repo is 23,219, and it has a 6056 Forks
you can find here the official website for JS Xlsx
you can Click here JS Xlsx to download the master branch from GitHub
6. JS xls
Javascript XLS (Excel 97-2004 spreadsheet) parser and (one day) writerJS xls created by SheetJS, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the JS xls repo is 23,216, and it has a 6056 Forks
you can find here the official website for JS xls
you can Click here JS xls to download the master branch from GitHub
7. Socket.io
Realtime application framework for Node.JS, with HTML5 WebSockets and cross-browser fallbacks support.Socket.io created by LearnBoost, this repo was created in 2010
Now the number of Watchers for the Socket.io repo is 51,032, and it has a 9281 Forks
you can find here the official website for Socket.io
you can Click here Socket.io to download the master branch from GitHub
8. Sortable
Sortable — is a minimalist JavaScript library for reorderable drag-and-drop lists on modern browsers and touch devices. No jQuery. Supports Meteor, AngularJS, React and any CSS library, e.g. Bootstrap.Sortable created by RubaXa, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Sortable repo is 21,186, and it has a 3120 Forks
you can find here the official website for Sortable
you can Click here Sortable to download the master branch from GitHub
9. Relay
Relay is a JavaScript framework for building data-driven React applications.Relay created by facebook, this repo was created in 2015
Now the number of Watchers for the Relay repo is 15,053, and it has a 1504 Forks
you can find here the official website for Relay
you can Click here Relay to download the master branch from GitHub
10. Immutable Js
Immutable persistent data collections for Javascript which increase efficiency and simplicity.Immutable Js created by facebook, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Immutable Js repo is 30,338, and it has a 1758 Forks
you can find here the official website for Immutable Js
you can Click here Immutable Js to download the master branch from GitHub
11. Request
Simplified HTTP request client.Request created by request, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Request repo is 24,861, and it has a 3007 Forks
you can find here the official website for Request
you can Click here Request to download the master branch from GitHub
12. Tfjs
A WebGL accelerated JavaScript library for training and deploying ML models.Tfjs created by tensorflow, this repo was created in 2018
Now the number of Watchers for the Tfjs repo is 14,138, and it has a 1331 Forks
you can find here the official website for Tfjs
you can Click here Tfjs to download the master branch from GitHub
13. Knex
A query builder for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite3, designed to be flexible, portable, and fun to use.Knex created by tgriesser, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Knex repo is 13,122, and it has a 1538 Forks
you can find here the official website for Knex
you can Click here Knex to download the master branch from GitHub
14. Tesseract.js
Pure Javascript OCR for 62 Languages ????????????Tesseract.js created by naptha, this repo was created in 2015
Now the number of Watchers for the Tesseract.js repo is 22,441, and it has a 1519 Forks
you can find here the official website for Tesseract.js
you can Click here Tesseract.js to download the master branch from GitHub
15. D3
A JavaScript visualization library for HTML and SVG.D3 created by mbostock, this repo was created in 2010
Now the number of Watchers for the D3 repo is 94,248, and it has a 22348 Forks
you can find here the official website for D3
you can Click here D3 to download the master branch from GitHub
16. Pouchdb
PouchDB is a pocket-sized database.Pouchdb created by pouchdb, this repo was created in 2010
Now the number of Watchers for the Pouchdb repo is 13,563, and it has a 1317 Forks
you can find here the official website for Pouchdb
you can Click here Pouchdb to download the master branch from GitHub
17. jQuery File Upload
File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bars and preview images for jQuery. Supports cross-domain, chunked and resumable file uploads and client-side image resizing. Works with any server-side platform (PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, Java, Node.js, Go etc.) that supports standard HTML form file uploads.jQuery File Upload created by blueimp, this repo was created in 2010
Now the number of Watchers for the jQuery File Upload repo is 30,857, and it has a 8174 Forks
you can find here the official website for jQuery File Upload
you can Click here jQuery File Upload to download the master branch from GitHub
18. Plotly.js
The open source javascript graphing library that powers plotlyPlotly.js created by plotly, this repo was created in 2015
Now the number of Watchers for the Plotly.js repo is 12,388, and it has a 1453 Forks
you can find here the official website for Plotly.js
you can Click here Plotly.js to download the master branch from GitHub
19. Bootstrap Table
An extended Bootstrap table with radio, checkbox, sort, pagination, and other added features. (supports twitter bootstrap v2 and v3) Bootstrap Table created by wenzhixin, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Bootstrap Table repo is 10,524, and it has a 4280 Forks
you can find here the official website for Bootstrap Table
you can Click here Bootstrap Table to download the master branch from GitHub
20. Highcharts
Highcharts JS, the JavaScript charting frameworkHighcharts created by highslide-software, this repo was created in 2010
Now the number of Watchers for the Highcharts repo is 9,732, and it has a 2618 Forks
you can find here the official website for Highcharts
you can Click here Highcharts to download the master branch from GitHub
21. FileSaver.js
An HTML5 saveAs() FileSaver implementationFileSaver.js created by eligrey, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the FileSaver.js repo is 15,239, and it has a 3578 Forks
you can find here the official website for FileSaver.js
you can Click here FileSaver.js to download the master branch from GitHub
22. Jquery Handsontable
Handsontable is a minimalistic approach to Excel-like table editor in HTML & jQueryJquery Handsontable created by warpech, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Jquery Handsontable repo is 14,391, and it has a 2535 Forks
you can find here the official website for Jquery Handsontable
you can Click here Jquery Handsontable to download the master branch from GitHub
23. Local Forage
Offline storage, improved. Wraps IndexedDB, WebSQL, or localStorage using a simple but powerful API.Local Forage created by mozilla, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Local Forage repo is 18,005, and it has a 1047 Forks
you can find here the official website for Local Forage
you can Click here Local Forage to download the master branch from GitHub
24. C3
A D3-based reusable chart libraryC3 created by masayuki0812, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the C3 repo is 8,898, and it has a 1441 Forks
you can find here the official website for C3
you can Click here C3 to download the master branch from GitHub
25. Papa Parse
Fast and powerful CSV (delimited text) parser that gracefully handles large files and malformed inputPapa Parse created by mholt, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Papa Parse repo is 9,153, and it has a 972 Forks
you can find here the official website for Papa Parse
you can Click here Papa Parse to download the master branch from GitHub
26. Rxdb
:computer: :iphone: A reactive Database for Progressive Web Apps and moreRxdb created by pubkey, this repo was created in 2016
Now the number of Watchers for the Rxdb repo is 14,722, and it has a 663 Forks
you can find here the official website for Rxdb
you can Click here Rxdb to download the master branch from GitHub
27. Apexcharts.js
???? Interactive and Modern SVG ChartsApexcharts.js created by apexcharts, this repo was created in 2018
Now the number of Watchers for the Apexcharts.js repo is 9,499, and it has a 618 Forks
you can find here the official website for Apexcharts.js
you can Click here Apexcharts.js to download the master branch from GitHub
28. Fuse
Lightweight fuzzy-search, in JavaScriptFuse created by krisk, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Fuse repo is 11,513, and it has a 618 Forks
you can find here the official website for Fuse
you can Click here Fuse to download the master branch from GitHub
29. Store.js
localStorage wrapper for all browsers without using cookies or flash. Uses localStorage, globalStorage, and userData behavior under the hoodStore.js created by marcuswestin, this repo was created in 2010
Now the number of Watchers for the Store.js repo is 13,204, and it has a 1355 Forks
you can find here the official website for Store.js
you can Click here Store.js to download the master branch from GitHub
30. Lowdb
An extendable JSON database for Node and the browser powered by lodashLowdb created by typicode, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Lowdb repo is 14,152, and it has a 664 Forks
you can find here the official website for Lowdb
you can Click here Lowdb to download the master branch from GitHub
31. Peerjs
Peer-to-peer data in the browserPeerjs created by peers, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Peerjs repo is 8,037, and it has a 1152 Forks
you can find here the official website for Peerjs
you can Click here Peerjs to download the master branch from GitHub
32. Gpu.js
GPU Accelerated JavaScriptGpu.js created by gpujs, this repo was created in 2016
Now the number of Watchers for the Gpu.js repo is 11,664, and it has a 524 Forks
you can find here the official website for Gpu.js
you can Click here Gpu.js to download the master branch from GitHub
33. Flot
Flot is a pure JavaScript plotting library for jQuery, with a focus on simple usage, attractive looks and interactive features.Flot created by flot, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Flot repo is 5,804, and it has a 1583 Forks
you can find here the official website for Flot
you can Click here Flot to download the master branch from GitHub
34. Mqtt.js
The MQTT client for Node.js and the browserMqtt.js created by mqttjs, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Mqtt.js repo is 5,879, and it has a 1065 Forks
you can find here the official website for Mqtt.js
you can Click here Mqtt.js to download the master branch from GitHub
35. Cytoscape.js
A JavaScript graph library for analysis and visualisation (compatible with CommonJS/Node.js, AMD/Require.js, jQuery 1.4+, Bower, npm, and plain JavaScript)Cytoscape.js created by cytoscape, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Cytoscape.js repo is 7,008, and it has a 1305 Forks
you can find here the official website for Cytoscape.js
you can Click here Cytoscape.js to download the master branch from GitHub
36. Dc.js
Multi-Dimensional charting built to work natively with crossfilter rendered with d3.jsDc.js created by NickQiZhu, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Dc.js repo is 7,139, and it has a 1814 Forks
you can find here the official website for Dc.js
you can Click here Dc.js to download the master branch from GitHub
37. Sigma
An open-source lightweight JavaScript graph drawing librarySigma created by jacomyal, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Sigma repo is 9,211, and it has a 1452 Forks
you can find here the official website for Sigma
you can Click here Sigma to download the master branch from GitHub
38. Nvd3
Nvd3 created by novus, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Nvd3 repo is 7,063, and it has a 2223 Forks
you can find here the official website for Nvd3
you can Click here Nvd3 to download the master branch from GitHub
39. SockJS Client
WebSocket emulation - Javascript clientSockJS Client created by sockjs, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the SockJS Client repo is 7,353, and it has a 1187 Forks
you can find here the official website for SockJS Client
you can Click here SockJS Client to download the master branch from GitHub
40. Watermelon Db
???? High-performance reactive database for powerful React and React Native apps ⚡️Watermelon Db created by Nozbe, this repo was created in 2018
Now the number of Watchers for the Watermelon Db repo is 7,026, and it has a 365 Forks
you can find here the official website for Watermelon Db
you can Click here Watermelon Db to download the master branch from GitHub
41. List
Do you want a 3 KB (gzipped&minified) cross-browser native JavaScript that makes your plain HTML lists and tables super flexible, searchable, sortable and filterable? Yeah! Do you also want the possibility to add, edit and remove items by dead simple templating? Hell yeah!List created by javve, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the List repo is 9,839, and it has a 874 Forks
you can find here the official website for List
you can Click here List to download the master branch from GitHub
42. Bookshelf
A simple Node.js ORM for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite3 built on top of Knex.jsBookshelf created by bookshelf, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Bookshelf repo is 6,013, and it has a 540 Forks
you can find here the official website for Bookshelf
you can Click here Bookshelf to download the master branch from GitHub
43. Alasql
AlaSQL.js - JavaScript SQL database for browser and Node.js. Handles both traditional relational tables and nested JSON data (NoSQL). Export, store, and import data from localStorage, IndexedDB, or Excel.Alasql created by agershun, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Alasql repo is 5,272, and it has a 522 Forks
you can find here the official website for Alasql
you can Click here Alasql to download the master branch from GitHub
44. Rickshaw
JavaScript toolkit for creating interactive real-time graphsRickshaw created by shutterstock, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Rickshaw repo is 6,471, and it has a 1002 Forks
you can find here the official website for Rickshaw
you can Click here Rickshaw to download the master branch from GitHub
45. Synaptic
architecture-free neural network library for node.js and the browserSynaptic created by cazala, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Synaptic repo is 6,723, and it has a 696 Forks
you can find here the official website for Synaptic
you can Click here Synaptic to download the master branch from GitHub
46. Data Tables
DataTables is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library. It is a highly flexible tool, based upon the foundations of progressive enhancement, which will add advanced interaction controls to any HTML table.Data Tables created by DataTables, this repo was created in 2010
Now the number of Watchers for the Data Tables repo is 6,665, and it has a 2046 Forks
you can find here the official website for Data Tables
you can Click here Data Tables to download the master branch from GitHub
47. Convnetjs
Deep Learning in Javascript. Train Convolutional Neural Networks (or ordinary ones) in your browser.Convnetjs created by karpathy, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Convnetjs repo is 10,054, and it has a 2009 Forks
you can find here the official website for Convnetjs
you can Click here Convnetjs to download the master branch from GitHub
48. JS Plumb
jQuery/MooTools/YUI3 Javascript library that lets you connect parts of your UI together.JS Plumb created by sporritt, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the JS Plumb repo is 6,044, and it has a 1299 Forks
you can find here the official website for JS Plumb
you can Click here JS Plumb to download the master branch from GitHub
49. Chance
Chance - Random generator helper for JavaScriptChance created by victorquinn, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Chance repo is 5,304, and it has a 385 Forks
you can find here the official website for Chance
you can Click here Chance to download the master branch from GitHub
50. Slick Grid
A lightning fast JavaScript grid/spreadsheetSlick Grid created by mleibman, this repo was created in 2009
Now the number of Watchers for the Slick Grid repo is 6,678, and it has a 2393 Forks
you can find here the official website for Slick Grid
you can Click here Slick Grid to download the master branch from GitHub
51. Metrics Graphics
A library optimized for concise, principled data graphics and layouts.Metrics Graphics created by mozilla, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Metrics Graphics repo is 7,276, and it has a 523 Forks
you can find here the official website for Metrics Graphics
you can Click here Metrics Graphics to download the master branch from GitHub
52. Lovefield
Lovefield is a relational database for web apps. Written in JavaScript, works cross-browser. Provides SQL-like APIs that are fast, safe, and easy to use.Lovefield created by google, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Lovefield repo is 6,440, and it has a 402 Forks
you can find here the official website for Lovefield
you can Click here Lovefield to download the master branch from GitHub
53. Chartkick
Create beautiful Javascript charts with one line of RubyChartkick created by ankane, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Chartkick repo is 5,657, and it has a 523 Forks
you can find here the official website for Chartkick
you can Click here Chartkick to download the master branch from GitHub
54. Tabulator
A table generation JQuery UI PluginTabulator created by olifolkerd, this repo was created in 2015
Now the number of Watchers for the Tabulator repo is 3,606, and it has a 497 Forks
you can find here the official website for Tabulator
you can Click here Tabulator to download the master branch from GitHub
55. Loki JS
javascript embedded / in-memory databaseLoki JS created by techfort, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Loki JS repo is 5,508, and it has a 432 Forks
you can find here the official website for Loki JS
you can Click here Loki JS to download the master branch from GitHub
56. Billboard.js
:bar_chart: Re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library based on D3 v4+:chart_with_upwards_trend:Billboard.js created by naver, this repo was created in 2017
Now the number of Watchers for the Billboard.js repo is 4,467, and it has a 283 Forks
you can find here the official website for Billboard.js
you can Click here Billboard.js to download the master branch from GitHub
57. Datamaps
Maps for interactive data visualizations in JavascriptDatamaps created by markmarkoh, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Datamaps repo is 3,473, and it has a 973 Forks
you can find here the official website for Datamaps
you can Click here Datamaps to download the master branch from GitHub
58. Heatmap.js
JavaScript Library for HTML5 canvas based heatmapsHeatmap.js created by pa7, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Heatmap.js repo is 5,335, and it has a 1145 Forks
you can find here the official website for Heatmap.js
you can Click here Heatmap.js to download the master branch from GitHub
59. Brain
[UNMAINTAINED] Neural networks in JavaScriptBrain created by harthur, this repo was created in 2010
Now the number of Watchers for the Brain repo is 8,038, and it has a 944 Forks
you can find here the official website for Brain
you can Click here Brain to download the master branch from GitHub
60. Dygraphs
Interactive visualizations of time series using JavaScript and the HTML canvas tag. The dygraphs JavaScript library produces interactive, zoomable charts of time series.Dygraphs created by danvk, this repo was created in 2009
Now the number of Watchers for the Dygraphs repo is 2,868, and it has a 622 Forks
you can find here the official website for Dygraphs
you can Click here Dygraphs to download the master branch from GitHub
61. Keras Js
Run Keras models in the browser, with GPU support using WebGLKeras Js created by transcranial, this repo was created in 2016
Now the number of Watchers for the Keras Js repo is 4,779, and it has a 520 Forks
you can find here the official website for Keras Js
you can Click here Keras Js to download the master branch from GitHub
62. Faye
Simple pub/sub messaging for the webFaye created by faye, this repo was created in 2009
Now the number of Watchers for the Faye repo is 4,306, and it has a 394 Forks
you can find here the official website for Faye
you can Click here Faye to download the master branch from GitHub
63. Epoch
A general purpose, real-time visualization library.Epoch created by fastly, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Epoch repo is 4,996, and it has a 297 Forks
you can find here the official website for Epoch
you can Click here Epoch to download the master branch from GitHub
64. Crossfilter
Fast n-dimensional filtering and grouping of records.Crossfilter created by square, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Crossfilter repo is 6,191, and it has a 1369 Forks
you can find here the official website for Crossfilter
you can Click here Crossfilter to download the master branch from GitHub
65. Oboe.js
A fresh approach to AJAX that speeds up web applications. Progressive JSON parser with an easy interface so you can use the objects before the http response completes.Oboe.js created by jimhigson, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Oboe.js repo is 4,650, and it has a 232 Forks
you can find here the official website for Oboe.js
you can Click here Oboe.js to download the master branch from GitHub
66. Superstruct
A simple and composable way to validate data in Javascript.Superstruct created by ianstormtaylor, this repo was created in 2017
Now the number of Watchers for the Superstruct repo is 4,575, and it has a 157 Forks
you can find here the official website for Superstruct
you can Click here Superstruct to download the master branch from GitHub
67. Clusterize.js
Tiny vanilla JS plugin to display large data sets easilyClusterize.js created by NeXTs, this repo was created in 2015
Now the number of Watchers for the Clusterize.js repo is 6,787, and it has a 403 Forks
you can find here the official website for Clusterize.js
you can Click here Clusterize.js to download the master branch from GitHub
68. Tabletop
Tabletop.js gives spreadsheets legsTabletop created by jsoma, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Tabletop repo is 3,606, and it has a 446 Forks
you can find here the official website for Tabletop
you can Click here Tabletop to download the master branch from GitHub
69. Knwl.js
A Natural Language Processor in JSKnwl.js created by loadfive, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Knwl.js repo is 5,333, and it has a 247 Forks
you can find here the official website for Knwl.js
you can Click here Knwl.js to download the master branch from GitHub
70. Plottable
A library of modular chart components, built on D3Plottable created by palantir, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Plottable repo is 2,737, and it has a 219 Forks
you can find here the official website for Plottable
you can Click here Plottable to download the master branch from GitHub
71. JSON.js
JSON in JavaScriptJSON.js created by douglascrockford, this repo was created in 2010
Now the number of Watchers for the JSON.js repo is 8,236, and it has a 4665 Forks
you can find here the official website for JSON.js
you can Click here JSON.js to download the master branch from GitHub
72. Apify Js
Apify SDK — The scalable web crawling and scraping library for JavaScript. Enables development of data extraction and web automation jobs (not only) with headless Chrome and Puppeteer.Apify Js created by apifytech, this repo was created in 2016
Now the number of Watchers for the Apify Js repo is 2,578, and it has a 169 Forks
you can find here the official website for Apify Js
you can Click here Apify Js to download the master branch from GitHub
73. Officegen
Standalone Office Open XML files (Microsoft Office 2007 and later) generator for Word (docx), PowerPoint (pptx) and Excell (xlsx) in javascript. The output is a stream.Officegen created by Ziv-Barber, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Officegen repo is 1,983, and it has a 412 Forks
you can find here the official website for Officegen
you can Click here Officegen to download the master branch from GitHub
74. Viva Graph Js
Graph drawing library for JavaScriptViva Graph Js created by anvaka, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Viva Graph Js repo is 3,231, and it has a 402 Forks
you can find here the official website for Viva Graph Js
you can Click here Viva Graph Js to download the master branch from GitHub
75. Timesheet.js
JavaScript library for HTML5 & CSS3 time sheetsTimesheet.js created by sbstjn, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Timesheet.js repo is 6,774, and it has a 569 Forks
you can find here the official website for Timesheet.js
you can Click here Timesheet.js to download the master branch from GitHub
76. Hashids.js
A small JavaScript class to generate YouTube-like hashids from one or many numbers. This is a client-side version of Node.js version.Hashids.js created by ivanakimov, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Hashids.js repo is 2,985, and it has a 176 Forks
you can find here the official website for Hashids.js
you can Click here Hashids.js to download the master branch from GitHub
77. Ember Table
Ember Table created by Addepar, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Ember Table repo is 1,693, and it has a 347 Forks
you can find here the official website for Ember Table
you can Click here Ember Table to download the master branch from GitHub
78. Dimple
An object-oriented API for business analyticsDimple created by PMSI-AlignAlytics, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Dimple repo is 2,723, and it has a 585 Forks
you can find here the official website for Dimple
you can Click here Dimple to download the master branch from GitHub
79. Backbone localStorage
A localStorage adapter for Backbone.jsBackbone localStorage created by jeromegn, this repo was created in 2010
Now the number of Watchers for the Backbone localStorage repo is 1,926, and it has a 727 Forks
you can find here the official website for Backbone localStorage
you can Click here Backbone localStorage to download the master branch from GitHub
80. Backbone Relational
Get and set relations (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one) for Backbone modelsBackbone Relational created by PaulUithol, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Backbone Relational repo is 2,367, and it has a 351 Forks
you can find here the official website for Backbone Relational
you can Click here Backbone Relational to download the master branch from GitHub
81. Devextreme Reactive
DevExtreme Reactive ComponentsDevextreme Reactive created by DevExpress, this repo was created in 2017
Now the number of Watchers for the Devextreme Reactive repo is 1,512, and it has a 264 Forks
you can find here the official website for Devextreme Reactive
you can Click here Devextreme Reactive to download the master branch from GitHub
82. Mavo
Create web applications entirely by writing HTML and CSS!Mavo created by mavoweb, this repo was created in 2015
Now the number of Watchers for the Mavo repo is 2,482, and it has a 140 Forks
you can find here the official website for Mavo
you can Click here Mavo to download the master branch from GitHub
83. Stream Saver.js
StreamSaver writes stream to the filesystem directly asynchronousStream Saver.js created by jimmywarting, this repo was created in 2016
Now the number of Watchers for the Stream Saver.js repo is 2,047, and it has a 215 Forks
you can find here the official website for Stream Saver.js
you can Click here Stream Saver.js to download the master branch from GitHub
84. Recline
A simple but powerful library for building data applications in pure Javascript and HTML.Recline created by okfn, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Recline repo is 1,973, and it has a 307 Forks
you can find here the official website for Recline
you can Click here Recline to download the master branch from GitHub
85. Backgrid
Finally, an easily stylable semantic HTML data grid widget with a Javascript API that doesn't suck.Backgrid created by wyuenho, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Backgrid repo is 2,046, and it has a 349 Forks
you can find here the official website for Backgrid
you can Click here Backgrid to download the master branch from GitHub
86. Easy Pie Chart
Lightweight jQuery plugin to render simple, animated and retina ready pie charts with the HTML5 canvas elementEasy Pie Chart created by rendro, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Easy Pie Chart repo is 2,032, and it has a 509 Forks
you can find here the official website for Easy Pie Chart
you can Click here Easy Pie Chart to download the master branch from GitHub
87. Smoothie
Smoothie Charts: smooooooth JavaScript charts for realtime streaming dataSmoothie created by joewalnes, this repo was created in 2010
Now the number of Watchers for the Smoothie repo is 2,063, and it has a 222 Forks
you can find here the official website for Smoothie
you can Click here Smoothie to download the master branch from GitHub
88. Flotr2
Graphs and Charts for Canvas in JavaScript.Flotr2 created by HumbleSoftware, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Flotr2 repo is 2,454, and it has a 551 Forks
you can find here the official website for Flotr2
you can Click here Flotr2 to download the master branch from GitHub
89. Reactable
Fast, flexible, and simple data tables in ReactReactable created by glittershark, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Reactable repo is 1,513, and it has a 242 Forks
you can find here the official website for Reactable
you can Click here Reactable to download the master branch from GitHub
90. Juggling DB
Multi-database ORM: redis, mongodb, mysql, sqlite, postgres, neo4j, memory... Many databases, common API.Juggling DB created by 1602, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Juggling DB repo is 2,034, and it has a 272 Forks
you can find here the official website for Juggling DB
you can Click here Juggling DB to download the master branch from GitHub
91. Jstat
JavaScript Statistical LibraryJstat created by jstat, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Jstat repo is 1,511, and it has a 227 Forks
you can find here the official website for Jstat
you can Click here Jstat to download the master branch from GitHub
92. Collections
This package contains JavaScript implementations of common data structures with idiomatic interfaces.Collections created by montagejs, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Collections repo is 1,859, and it has a 192 Forks
you can find here the official website for Collections
you can Click here Collections to download the master branch from GitHub
93. Angular Gantt
A Gantt chart directive for Angular.js without any other dependencies.Angular Gantt created by Schweigi, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Angular Gantt repo is 1,398, and it has a 478 Forks
you can find here the official website for Angular Gantt
you can Click here Angular Gantt to download the master branch from GitHub
94. D3 Cloud
Create word clouds in JavaScript.D3 Cloud created by jasondavies, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the D3 Cloud repo is 3,271, and it has a 1021 Forks
you can find here the official website for D3 Cloud
you can Click here D3 Cloud to download the master branch from GitHub
95. Tau Charts
D3 based data-focused charting library. Designed with passion. Flexible.Tau Charts created by TargetProcess, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Tau Charts repo is 1,878, and it has a 118 Forks
you can find here the official website for Tau Charts
you can Click here Tau Charts to download the master branch from GitHub
96. Fast Json Patch
Lean and mean Javascript implementation of the JSON-Patch standard (RFC 6902). Update JSON documents using delta patches.Fast Json Patch created by Starcounter-Jack, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Fast Json Patch repo is 1,251, and it has a 172 Forks
you can find here the official website for Fast Json Patch
you can Click here Fast Json Patch to download the master branch from GitHub
97. Zip.js
JavaScript library to zip and unzip filesZip.js created by gildas-lormeau, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Zip.js repo is 2,154, and it has a 426 Forks
you can find here the official website for Zip.js
you can Click here Zip.js to download the master branch from GitHub
98. Jtable
A JQuery plugin to create AJAX based CRUD tables.Jtable created by hikalkan, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Jtable repo is 1,025, and it has a 512 Forks
you can find here the official website for Jtable
you can Click here Jtable to download the master branch from GitHub
99. Taffydb
TaffyDB - an open source JavaScript Database for your browserTaffydb created by typicaljoe, this repo was created in 2009
Now the number of Watchers for the Taffydb repo is 2,061, and it has a 274 Forks
you can find here the official website for Taffydb
you can Click here Taffydb to download the master branch from GitHub
100. Fortune
A library for managing structured data in Node.js and web browsers.Fortune created by fortunejs, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Fortune repo is 1,410, and it has a 131 Forks
you can find here the official website for Fortune
you can Click here Fortune to download the master branch from GitHub
101. Springy
A force directed graph layout algorithm in JavaScriptSpringy created by dhotson, this repo was created in 2010
Now the number of Watchers for the Springy repo is 1,724, and it has a 248 Forks
you can find here the official website for Springy
you can Click here Springy to download the master branch from GitHub
102. Jit
The JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit provides tools for creating Interactive Data Visualizations for the WebJit created by philogb, this repo was created in 2009
Now the number of Watchers for the Jit repo is 1,494, and it has a 313 Forks
you can find here the official website for Jit
you can Click here Jit to download the master branch from GitHub
103. Dgrid
A lightweight, mobile-ready, data-driven, modular grid widget designed for use with the Dojo object storeDgrid created by SitePen, this repo was created in 2010
Now the number of Watchers for the Dgrid repo is 626, and it has a 314 Forks
you can find here the official website for Dgrid
you can Click here Dgrid to download the master branch from GitHub
104. Line Chart
Awesome charts for AngularJS.Line Chart created by n3-charts, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Line Chart repo is 1,212, and it has a 199 Forks
you can find here the official website for Line Chart
you can Click here Line Chart to download the master branch from GitHub
105. Ember Charts
Ember Charts created by Addepar, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Ember Charts repo is 797, and it has a 140 Forks
you can find here the official website for Ember Charts
you can Click here Ember Charts to download the master branch from GitHub
106. Holmes
Fast and easy searching inside a pageHolmes created by Haroenv, this repo was created in 2016
Now the number of Watchers for the Holmes repo is 1,584, and it has a 81 Forks
you can find here the official website for Holmes
you can Click here Holmes to download the master branch from GitHub
107. Countable
Countable is a JavaScript function to add live paragraph-, word- and character-counting to an HTML element.Countable created by RadLikeWhoa, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Countable repo is 1,621, and it has a 145 Forks
you can find here the official website for Countable
you can Click here Countable to download the master branch from GitHub
108. G.raphael
gRaphaël’s goal is to help you create stunning charts on your website. It is based on Raphaël graphics library.G.raphael created by DmitryBaranovskiy, this repo was created in 2009
Now the number of Watchers for the G.raphael repo is 1,519, and it has a 462 Forks
you can find here the official website for G.raphael
you can Click here G.raphael to download the master branch from GitHub
109. Paho.mqtt.javascript
paho.mqtt.javascriptPaho.mqtt.javascript created by eclipse, this repo was created in 2015
Now the number of Watchers for the Paho.mqtt.javascript repo is 860, and it has a 378 Forks
you can find here the official website for Paho.mqtt.javascript
you can Click here Paho.mqtt.javascript to download the master branch from GitHub
110. Jets.js
Native CSS search engineJets.js created by NeXTs, this repo was created in 2015
Now the number of Watchers for the Jets.js repo is 2,778, and it has a 122 Forks
you can find here the official website for Jets.js
you can Click here Jets.js to download the master branch from GitHub
111. Arbor
A graph visualization library using web workers and jQueryArbor created by samizdatco, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Arbor repo is 2,559, and it has a 604 Forks
you can find here the official website for Arbor
you can Click here Arbor to download the master branch from GitHub
112. LScache
A localStorage-based memcache-inspired client-side caching library.LScache created by pamelafox, this repo was created in 2010
Now the number of Watchers for the LScache repo is 1,351, and it has a 165 Forks
you can find here the official website for LScache
you can Click here LScache to download the master branch from GitHub
113. jQuery treetable
jQuery plugin to show a tree structure in a tablejQuery treetable created by ludo, this repo was created in 2008
Now the number of Watchers for the jQuery treetable repo is 728, and it has a 271 Forks
you can find here the official website for jQuery treetable
you can Click here jQuery treetable to download the master branch from GitHub
114. Envision JS
Dynamic HTML5 visualizationEnvision JS created by HumbleSoftware, this repo was created in 2010
Now the number of Watchers for the Envision JS repo is 1,568, and it has a 261 Forks
you can find here the official website for Envision JS
you can Click here Envision JS to download the master branch from GitHub
115. jQuery Gantt
jQuery Gantt ChartjQuery Gantt created by taitems, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the jQuery Gantt repo is 896, and it has a 295 Forks
you can find here the official website for jQuery Gantt
you can Click here jQuery Gantt to download the master branch from GitHub
116. JSON 3
A modern JSON implementation compatible with nearly all JavaScript platforms.JSON 3 created by bestiejs, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the JSON 3 repo is 1,032, and it has a 162 Forks
you can find here the official website for JSON 3
you can Click here JSON 3 to download the master branch from GitHub
117. Stupid Table Plugin
A stupidly small and simple jQuery table sorter pluginStupid Table Plugin created by joequery, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Stupid Table Plugin repo is 705, and it has a 181 Forks
you can find here the official website for Stupid Table Plugin
you can Click here Stupid Table Plugin to download the master branch from GitHub
118. Mind
A flexible neural network libraryMind created by stevenmiller888, this repo was created in 2015
Now the number of Watchers for the Mind repo is 1,416, and it has a 126 Forks
you can find here the official website for Mind
you can Click here Mind to download the master branch from GitHub
119. Punycode.js
A robust Punycode converter that fully complies to RFC 3492 and RFC 5891, and works on nearly all JavaScript platforms.Punycode.js created by bestiejs, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Punycode.js repo is 1,213, and it has a 134 Forks
you can find here the official website for Punycode.js
you can Click here Punycode.js to download the master branch from GitHub
120. Alchemy
Alchemy.js is a graph drawing application built in d3.Alchemy created by GraphAlchemist, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Alchemy repo is 491, and it has a 228 Forks
you can find here the official website for Alchemy
you can Click here Alchemy to download the master branch from GitHub
121. Mesh.js
common, streamable interface for synchronizing dataMesh.js created by mojo-js, this repo was created in 2015
Now the number of Watchers for the Mesh.js repo is 1,019, and it has a 29 Forks
you can find here the official website for Mesh.js
you can Click here Mesh.js to download the master branch from GitHub
122. Table to Json
Serializes HTML tables into JSON objects.Table to Json created by lightswitch05, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Table to Json repo is 703, and it has a 163 Forks
you can find here the official website for Table to Json
you can Click here Table to Json to download the master branch from GitHub
123. Sheetrock
Quickly connect to, query, and lazy-load data from Google Spreadsheets.Sheetrock created by chriszarate, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Sheetrock repo is 765, and it has a 116 Forks
you can find here the official website for Sheetrock
you can Click here Sheetrock to download the master branch from GitHub
124. Forerunner Db
A JavaScript database with mongo-like query language, data-binding support, runs in the browser as a client-side DB or on the server via Node.js!Forerunner Db created by Irrelon, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Forerunner Db repo is 677, and it has a 62 Forks
you can find here the official website for Forerunner Db
you can Click here Forerunner Db to download the master branch from GitHub
125. Dataset
JavaScript library that makes managing the data behind client-side visualisations easyDataset created by misoproject, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Dataset repo is 1,195, and it has a 109 Forks
you can find here the official website for Dataset
you can Click here Dataset to download the master branch from GitHub
126. Vue Ls
:boom: Vue plugin for work with local storage, session storage and memory storage from Vue contextVue Ls created by RobinCK, this repo was created in 2017
Now the number of Watchers for the Vue Ls repo is 444, and it has a 30 Forks
you can find here the official website for Vue Ls
you can Click here Vue Ls to download the master branch from GitHub
127. String Score
JavaScript string ranking 0 for no match upto 1 for perfect... "String".score("str"); //=> 0.825String Score created by joshaven, this repo was created in 2009
Now the number of Watchers for the String Score repo is 822, and it has a 67 Forks
you can find here the official website for String Score
you can Click here String Score to download the master branch from GitHub
128. Breeze
Breeze.js is a JavaScript library for managing data in data rich-client HTML/JS applications.Breeze created by IdeaBlade, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Breeze repo is 650, and it has a 162 Forks
you can find here the official website for Breeze
you can Click here Breeze to download the master branch from GitHub
129. Js Store
JsStore is an IndexedDB Wrapper. It makes IndexedDB super easy with its SQL like apis.Js Store created by ujjwalguptaofficial, this repo was created in 2017
Now the number of Watchers for the Js Store repo is 380, and it has a 75 Forks
you can find here the official website for Js Store
you can Click here Js Store to download the master branch from GitHub
130. Js Quantities
JavaScript library for quantity calculation and unit conversionJs Quantities created by gentooboontoo, this repo was created in 2010
Now the number of Watchers for the Js Quantities repo is 319, and it has a 79 Forks
you can find here the official website for Js Quantities
you can Click here Js Quantities to download the master branch from GitHub
131. Any Chart
AnyChart is a lightweight and robust JavaScript charting solution with great API and documentation. The chart types and unique features are numerous, the library works easily with any development stack.Any Chart created by AnyChart, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Any Chart repo is 269, and it has a 43 Forks
you can find here the official website for Any Chart
you can Click here Any Chart to download the master branch from GitHub
132. Canvas Xpress
JavaScript VisualizationToolsCanvas Xpress created by neuhausi, this repo was created in 2016
Now the number of Watchers for the Canvas Xpress repo is 243, and it has a 32 Forks
you can find here the official website for Canvas Xpress
you can Click here Canvas Xpress to download the master branch from GitHub
133. Ri Ta Js
RiTa: the generative language toolkit (in JS)Ri Ta Js created by dhowe, this repo was created in 2015
Now the number of Watchers for the Ri Ta Js repo is 261, and it has a 48 Forks
you can find here the official website for Ri Ta Js
you can Click here Ri Ta Js to download the master branch from GitHub
134. Orb
Pivot table javascript libraryOrb created by nnajm, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Orb repo is 512, and it has a 162 Forks
you can find here the official website for Orb
you can Click here Orb to download the master branch from GitHub
135. jQuery JSONP
jquery jsonp pluginjQuery JSONP created by jaubourg, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the jQuery JSONP repo is 580, and it has a 336 Forks
you can find here the official website for jQuery JSONP
you can Click here jQuery JSONP to download the master branch from GitHub
136. Tablecloth
A CSS and JS bootstrap to style and manipulate data tablesTablecloth created by bwsewell, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Tablecloth repo is 1,011, and it has a 133 Forks
you can find here the official website for Tablecloth
you can Click here Tablecloth to download the master branch from GitHub
137. Ydn Db
Javascript database module for Indexeddb, Web SQL and localStorage storage mechanisms supporting version migration, advanced query, SQL and transaction.Ydn Db created by yathit, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Ydn Db repo is 480, and it has a 38 Forks
you can find here the official website for Ydn Db
you can Click here Ydn Db to download the master branch from GitHub
138. Dn2a Javascript
DN2A JavaScript - Digital Neural Networks Architecture with JavaScriptDn2a Javascript created by dn2a, this repo was created in 2016
Now the number of Watchers for the Dn2a Javascript repo is 460, and it has a 19 Forks
you can find here the official website for Dn2a Javascript
you can Click here Dn2a Javascript to download the master branch from GitHub
139. Aja.js
Ajax without XML : Asynchronous JavaScript and JavaScript/JSON(P)Aja.js created by krampstudio, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Aja.js repo is 310, and it has a 46 Forks
you can find here the official website for Aja.js
you can Click here Aja.js to download the master branch from GitHub
140. Uv Charts
Simple yet powerful JavaScript Charting library built using d3.jsUv Charts created by Imaginea, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Uv Charts repo is 263, and it has a 79 Forks
you can find here the official website for Uv Charts
you can Click here Uv Charts to download the master branch from GitHub
141. Zangodb
MongoDB-like interface for HTML5 IndexedDBZangodb created by erikolson186, this repo was created in 2016
Now the number of Watchers for the Zangodb repo is 894, and it has a 63 Forks
you can find here the official website for Zangodb
you can Click here Zangodb to download the master branch from GitHub
142. Rusha
High-performance pure-javascript SHA1 implementation suitable for large binary data, reaching up to half the native speed.Rusha created by srijs, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Rusha repo is 264, and it has a 35 Forks
you can find here the official website for Rusha
you can Click here Rusha to download the master branch from GitHub
143. J Schema
A simple, easy to use data modeling framework for JavaScriptJ Schema created by ignoreintuition, this repo was created in 2017
Now the number of Watchers for the J Schema repo is 258, and it has a 22 Forks
you can find here the official website for J Schema
you can Click here J Schema to download the master branch from GitHub
144. Vue Trend Chart
Simple trend charts for Vue.jsVue Trend Chart created by dmtrbrl, this repo was created in 2019
Now the number of Watchers for the Vue Trend Chart repo is 196, and it has a 13 Forks
you can find here the official website for Vue Trend Chart
you can Click here Vue Trend Chart to download the master branch from GitHub
145. Polychart2
Version 2 of Polychart.jsPolychart2 created by Polychart, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Polychart2 repo is 374, and it has a 46 Forks
you can find here the official website for Polychart2
you can Click here Polychart2 to download the master branch from GitHub
146. Underscore.db
Pure JavaScript database based on Underscore for Node, node-webkit and the browserUnderscore.db created by typicode, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Underscore.db repo is 434, and it has a 30 Forks
you can find here the official website for Underscore.db
you can Click here Underscore.db to download the master branch from GitHub
147. Jumly
Rendering engine for UML diagrams in JavaScriptJumly created by tmtk75, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Jumly repo is 329, and it has a 50 Forks
you can find here the official website for Jumly
you can Click here Jumly to download the master branch from GitHub
148. Jquery Indexeddb
An IndexedDB Plugin for Jquery.Jquery Indexeddb created by axemclion, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Jquery Indexeddb repo is 197, and it has a 73 Forks
you can find here the official website for Jquery Indexeddb
you can Click here Jquery Indexeddb to download the master branch from GitHub
149. Reasondb
A 100% JavaScript object database: SQL like syntax, full-text search, auto object sync, swapable persistence engines, asynchronous cursors, streaming analytics, 18 built-in plus in-line fat arrow predicates, predicate extensibility, indexed computed values, joins, nested matching, statistical sampling and more. Reasondb created by anywhichway, this repo was created in 2015
Now the number of Watchers for the Reasondb repo is 259, and it has a 29 Forks
you can find here the official website for Reasondb
you can Click here Reasondb to download the master branch from GitHub
150. Vague Time
A tiny JavaScript library that formats precise time differences as a vague/fuzzy time, e.g. '3 months ago', 'just now' or 'in 2 hours'.Vague Time created by philbooth, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Vague Time repo is 188, and it has a 14 Forks
you can find here the official website for Vague Time
you can Click here Vague Time to download the master branch from GitHub
151. Mindb
Database on JavaScriptMindb created by iwillwen, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Mindb repo is 374, and it has a 44 Forks
you can find here the official website for Mindb
you can Click here Mindb to download the master branch from GitHub
152. Horizon React
Simplifying the connection between Horizon and React by using higher order components.Horizon React created by flipace, this repo was created in 2016
Now the number of Watchers for the Horizon React repo is 111, and it has a 8 Forks
you can find here the official website for Horizon React
you can Click here Horizon React to download the master branch from GitHub
153. Isjs
Check your data against regular expressions or known keywords.Isjs created by rthor, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Isjs repo is 280, and it has a 15 Forks
you can find here the official website for Isjs
you can Click here Isjs to download the master branch from GitHub
154. Morris.js
Pretty time-series line graphsMorris.js created by oesmith, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Morris.js repo is 22, and it has a 20 Forks
you can find here the official website for Morris.js
you can Click here Morris.js to download the master branch from GitHub
155. Power Array
Boosted Performance ArrayPower Array created by techfort, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Power Array repo is 249, and it has a 15 Forks
you can find here the official website for Power Array
you can Click here Power Array to download the master branch from GitHub
156. Marilyn
Marilyn is a client side, Socket.IO driven, Pub/Sub, model layer with a query system similar to Mongoose.Marilyn created by alanjames1987, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Marilyn repo is 117, and it has a 3 Forks
you can find here the official website for Marilyn
you can Click here Marilyn to download the master branch from GitHub
157. Onionskin
A client- and server-side multi-layer cache manager libraryOnionskin created by onionskin, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Onionskin repo is 99, and it has a 4 Forks
you can find here the official website for Onionskin
you can Click here Onionskin to download the master branch from GitHub
158. Local Storage
A localStorage polyfillLocal Storage created by mortzdk, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Local Storage repo is 243, and it has a 19 Forks
you can find here the official website for Local Storage
you can Click here Local Storage to download the master branch from GitHub
159. Z.js
turns content (in)visibleZ.js created by kptl-co, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Z.js repo is 159, and it has a 14 Forks
you can find here the official website for Z.js
you can Click here Z.js to download the master branch from GitHub
160. Accounting.js
A lightweight JavaScript library for number, money and currency formatting - fully localisable, zero dependencies.Accounting.js created by josscrowcroft, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Accounting.js repo is 31, and it has a 8 Forks
you can find here the official website for Accounting.js
you can Click here Accounting.js to download the master branch from GitHub
161. Money.js
money.js is a tiny (1kb) javascript currency conversion library, for web & nodeJSMoney.js created by josscrowcroft, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Money.js repo is 9, and it has a 3 Forks
you can find here the official website for Money.js
you can Click here Money.js to download the master branch from GitHub
Thanks for reading this article so far.
If you have any other JS data you’d like to suggest? Let us know on Facebook