1. Leaflet
JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive mapsLeaflet created by Leaflet, this repo was created in 2010
Now the number of Watchers for the Leaflet repo is 29,285, and it has a 4674 Forks
you can find here the official website for Leaflet
you can Click here Leaflet to download the master branch from GitHub
2. Js Pdf
Generate PDF files in JavaScript. HTML5 FTW.Js Pdf created by MrRio, this repo was created in 2009
Now the number of Watchers for the Js Pdf repo is 20,318, and it has a 3818 Forks
you can find here the official website for Js Pdf
you can Click here Js Pdf to download the master branch from GitHub
3. Uppy
The next open source file uploader for web browsers :dog: Uppy created by transloadit, this repo was created in 2015
Now the number of Watchers for the Uppy repo is 23,197, and it has a 1428 Forks
you can find here the official website for Uppy
you can Click here Uppy to download the master branch from GitHub
4. Date Fns
⏳ Modern JavaScript date utility library ⌛️Date Fns created by date-fns, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Date Fns repo is 24,024, and it has a 1127 Forks
you can find here the official website for Date Fns
you can Click here Date Fns to download the master branch from GitHub
5. Reveal.js
The HTML Presentation FrameworkReveal.js created by hakimel, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Reveal.js repo is 53,516, and it has a 15125 Forks
you can find here the official website for Reveal.js
you can Click here Reveal.js to download the master branch from GitHub
6. Impress.js
It's a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind prezi.com.Impress.js created by bartaz, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Impress.js repo is 35,944, and it has a 6867 Forks
you can find here the official website for Impress.js
you can Click here Impress.js to download the master branch from GitHub
7. Normalize.css
A modern, HTML5-ready alternative to CSS resets (as used by Twitter Bootstrap, HTML5 Boilerplate, TweetDeck, Soundcloud, and many others).Normalize.css created by necolas, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Normalize.css repo is 41,119, and it has a 9083 Forks
you can find here the official website for Normalize.css
you can Click here Normalize.css to download the master branch from GitHub
8. Grapesjs
Free and Open source Web Builder Framework. Next generation tool for building templates without codingGrapesjs created by artf, this repo was created in 2016
Now the number of Watchers for the Grapesjs repo is 11,996, and it has a 2239 Forks
you can find here the official website for Grapesjs
you can Click here Grapesjs to download the master branch from GitHub
9. Less.js
Leaner CSSLess.js created by less, this repo was created in 2010
Now the number of Watchers for the Less.js repo is 16,449, and it has a 3457 Forks
you can find here the official website for Less.js
you can Click here Less.js to download the master branch from GitHub
10. Intro.js
A better way for new feature introduction and step-by-step users guide for your website and project.Intro.js created by usablica, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Intro.js repo is 19,597, and it has a 2484 Forks
you can find here the official website for Intro.js
you can Click here Intro.js to download the master branch from GitHub
11. Coffee Script
Unfancy JavaScriptCoffee Script created by jashkenas, this repo was created in 2009
Now the number of Watchers for the Coffee Script repo is 15,644, and it has a 2009 Forks
you can find here the official website for Coffee Script
you can Click here Coffee Script to download the master branch from GitHub
12. React Intl
Internationalize React apps. This library provides React components and an API to format dates, numbers, and strings, including pluralization and handling translations.React Intl created by yahoo, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the React Intl repo is 12,124, and it has a 1187 Forks
you can find here the official website for React Intl
you can Click here React Intl to download the master branch from GitHub
13. Ol3
OpenLayers 3Ol3 created by openlayers, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Ol3 repo is 7,461, and it has a 2407 Forks
you can find here the official website for Ol3
you can Click here Ol3 to download the master branch from GitHub
14. Openlayers
Openlayers created by openlayers, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Openlayers repo is 7,461, and it has a 2407 Forks
you can find here the official website for Openlayers
you can Click here Openlayers to download the master branch from GitHub
15. Showdown
JavaScript port of MarkdownShowdown created by coreyti, this repo was created in 2008
Now the number of Watchers for the Showdown repo is 11,175, and it has a 1452 Forks
you can find here the official website for Showdown
you can Click here Showdown to download the master branch from GitHub
16. Tfjs Core
WebGL-accelerated ML // linear algebra // automatic differentiation for JavaScript.Tfjs Core created by tensorflow, this repo was created in 2017
Now the number of Watchers for the Tfjs Core repo is 8,528, and it has a 991 Forks
you can find here the official website for Tfjs Core
you can Click here Tfjs Core to download the master branch from GitHub
17. Remark
A simple, in-browser, markdown-driven slideshow tool.Remark created by gnab, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Remark repo is 10,842, and it has a 828 Forks
you can find here the official website for Remark
you can Click here Remark to download the master branch from GitHub
18. Dropzone
Dropzone is an easy to use drag'n'drop library. It supports image previews and shows nice progress bars.Dropzone created by enyo, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Dropzone repo is 15,262, and it has a 3221 Forks
you can find here the official website for Dropzone
you can Click here Dropzone to download the master branch from GitHub
19. Cropperjs
JavaScript image cropper.Cropperjs created by fengyuanchen, this repo was created in 2015
Now the number of Watchers for the Cropperjs repo is 8,385, and it has a 1682 Forks
you can find here the official website for Cropperjs
you can Click here Cropperjs to download the master branch from GitHub
20. Pdfkit
A JavaScript PDF generation library for Node and the browserPdfkit created by foliojs, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Pdfkit repo is 6,613, and it has a 844 Forks
you can find here the official website for Pdfkit
you can Click here Pdfkit to download the master branch from GitHub
21. Pdfmake
Client/server side PDF printing in pure JavaScriptPdfmake created by bpampuch, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Pdfmake repo is 8,669, and it has a 1545 Forks
you can find here the official website for Pdfmake
you can Click here Pdfmake to download the master branch from GitHub
22. Iframe Resizer
Keep same and cross domain iFrames sized to their content with support for window/content resizing, nesting and multiple iFrames. (Dependency free, IE8+)Iframe Resizer created by davidjbradshaw, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Iframe Resizer repo is 4,942, and it has a 770 Forks
you can find here the official website for Iframe Resizer
you can Click here Iframe Resizer to download the master branch from GitHub
23. Carlo
Web rendering surface for Node applicationsCarlo created by GoogleChromeLabs, this repo was created in 2018
Now the number of Watchers for the Carlo repo is 9,199, and it has a 324 Forks
you can find here the official website for Carlo
you can Click here Carlo to download the master branch from GitHub
24. Offline
Automatically display online/offline indication to your users. #hubspot-open-sourceOffline created by HubSpot, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Offline repo is 8,616, and it has a 895 Forks
you can find here the official website for Offline
you can Click here Offline to download the master branch from GitHub
25. I18next
Internationalisation (i18n) with javascript the easy way (incl. jquery plugin)I18next created by jamuhl, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the I18next repo is 5,294, and it has a 511 Forks
you can find here the official website for I18next
you can Click here I18next to download the master branch from GitHub
26. Tracking.js
The tracking.js brings to web elements tracking techniques of a real scene captured by the camera, through natural interactions from object tracking, color markers, among others, allowing the development of interfaces and games through a simple and intuitive API.Tracking.js created by eduardolundgren, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Tracking.js repo is 8,637, and it has a 1372 Forks
you can find here the official website for Tracking.js
you can Click here Tracking.js to download the master branch from GitHub
27. Pnpm
???????? Fast, disk space efficient package managerPnpm created by pnpm, this repo was created in 2016
Now the number of Watchers for the Pnpm repo is 8,973, and it has a 238 Forks
you can find here the official website for Pnpm
you can Click here Pnpm to download the master branch from GitHub
28. Annyang
A javascript library for adding voice commands to your site, using speech recognition.Annyang created by TalAter, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Annyang repo is 5,901, and it has a 996 Forks
you can find here the official website for Annyang
you can Click here Annyang to download the master branch from GitHub
29. Globalize
A JavaScript library for internationalization and localization that leverages the official Unicode CLDR JSON dataGlobalize created by jquery, this repo was created in 2010
Now the number of Watchers for the Globalize repo is 4,443, and it has a 638 Forks
you can find here the official website for Globalize
you can Click here Globalize to download the master branch from GitHub
30. Ml5 Library
Friendly machine learning for the web! ???? Ml5 Library created by ml5js, this repo was created in 2017
Now the number of Watchers for the Ml5 Library repo is 4,261, and it has a 451 Forks
you can find here the official website for Ml5 Library
you can Click here Ml5 Library to download the master branch from GitHub
31. Togetherjs
A service for your website that makes it surprisingly easy to collaborate in real-time.Togetherjs created by mozilla, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Togetherjs repo is 6,641, and it has a 844 Forks
you can find here the official website for Togetherjs
you can Click here Togetherjs to download the master branch from GitHub
32. URI.js
Javascript URL mutation libraryURI.js created by medialize, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the URI.js repo is 6,026, and it has a 497 Forks
you can find here the official website for URI.js
you can Click here URI.js to download the master branch from GitHub
33. Hello.js
A Javascript RESTFUL API library for connecting with OAuth2 services, such as Google+ API, Facebook Graph and Windows Live ConnectHello.js created by MrSwitch, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Hello.js repo is 4,567, and it has a 554 Forks
you can find here the official website for Hello.js
you can Click here Hello.js to download the master branch from GitHub
34. Qrcodejs
Cross-browser QRCode generator for javascriptQrcodejs created by davidshimjs, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Qrcodejs repo is 9,423, and it has a 3478 Forks
you can find here the official website for Qrcodejs
you can Click here Qrcodejs to download the master branch from GitHub
35. jQuery Lazyload
jQuery plugin for lazy loading images jQuery Lazyload created by tuupola, this repo was created in 2008
Now the number of Watchers for the jQuery Lazyload repo is 8,431, and it has a 2315 Forks
you can find here the official website for jQuery Lazyload
you can Click here jQuery Lazyload to download the master branch from GitHub
36. Open Location Code
Open Location Codes are short, generated codes that can be used like street addresses, for places where street addresses don't exist.Open Location Code created by google, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Open Location Code repo is 3,247, and it has a 399 Forks
you can find here the official website for Open Location Code
you can Click here Open Location Code to download the master branch from GitHub
37. Remarkable
Markdown parser, done right. Commonmark support, extensions, syntax plugins, high speed - all in one.Remarkable created by jonschlinkert, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Remarkable repo is 4,912, and it has a 353 Forks
you can find here the official website for Remarkable
you can Click here Remarkable to download the master branch from GitHub
38. Stats.js
JavaScript Performance MonitorStats.js created by mrdoob, this repo was created in 2010
Now the number of Watchers for the Stats.js repo is 6,733, and it has a 1065 Forks
you can find here the official website for Stats.js
you can Click here Stats.js to download the master branch from GitHub
39. Sir Trevor Js
Rich content editing entirely re-imagined for the webSir Trevor Js created by madebymany, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Sir Trevor Js repo is 4,526, and it has a 441 Forks
you can find here the official website for Sir Trevor Js
you can Click here Sir Trevor Js to download the master branch from GitHub
40. Outdated Browser
A simple tool to identify and upgrade old browsers.Outdated Browser created by burocratik, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Outdated Browser repo is 3,551, and it has a 420 Forks
you can find here the official website for Outdated Browser
you can Click here Outdated Browser to download the master branch from GitHub
41. Instafeed.js
A simple Instagram javascript pluginInstafeed.js created by stevenschobert, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Instafeed.js repo is 3,186, and it has a 808 Forks
you can find here the official website for Instafeed.js
you can Click here Instafeed.js to download the master branch from GitHub
42. File Api
A set of javascript tools for working with files.File Api created by mailru, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the File Api repo is 3,550, and it has a 474 Forks
you can find here the official website for File Api
you can Click here File Api to download the master branch from GitHub
43. Retina.js
JavaScript and LESS helpers for rendering high-resolution image variantsRetina.js created by imulus, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Retina.js repo is 4,472, and it has a 661 Forks
you can find here the official website for Retina.js
you can Click here Retina.js to download the master branch from GitHub
44. Anypixel
AnyPixel.js is an open-source software and hardware library that makes it possible to use the web to create big, unusual, interactive displays.Anypixel created by googlecreativelab, this repo was created in 2016
Now the number of Watchers for the Anypixel repo is 6,381, and it has a 529 Forks
you can find here the official website for Anypixel
you can Click here Anypixel to download the master branch from GitHub
45. Js Lingui
???????? A readable, automated, and optimized (5 kb) internationalization for JavaScriptJs Lingui created by lingui, this repo was created in 2017
Now the number of Watchers for the Js Lingui repo is 2,847, and it has a 219 Forks
you can find here the official website for Js Lingui
you can Click here Js Lingui to download the master branch from GitHub
46. Up Up
:airplane: Kickstarting the Offline-First RevolutionUp Up created by TalAter, this repo was created in 2015
Now the number of Watchers for the Up Up repo is 4,710, and it has a 265 Forks
you can find here the official website for Up Up
you can Click here Up Up to download the master branch from GitHub
47. Gitgraph.js
A JavaScript library to draw pretty git graphs in the browserGitgraph.js created by nicoespeon, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Gitgraph.js repo is 2,175, and it has a 300 Forks
you can find here the official website for Gitgraph.js
you can Click here Gitgraph.js to download the master branch from GitHub
48. Flip Clock
Flip Clock created by objectivehtml, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Flip Clock repo is 2,674, and it has a 976 Forks
you can find here the official website for Flip Clock
you can Click here Flip Clock to download the master branch from GitHub
49. Sticky
jQuery Plugin for Sticky ObjectsSticky created by garand, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Sticky repo is 3,339, and it has a 1094 Forks
you can find here the official website for Sticky
you can Click here Sticky to download the master branch from GitHub
50. Polyglot.js
Give your JavaScript the ability to speak many languages.Polyglot.js created by airbnb, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Polyglot.js repo is 3,358, and it has a 206 Forks
you can find here the official website for Polyglot.js
you can Click here Polyglot.js to download the master branch from GitHub
51. Deck.js
Modern HTML PresentationsDeck.js created by imakewebthings, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Deck.js repo is 5,403, and it has a 662 Forks
you can find here the official website for Deck.js
you can Click here Deck.js to download the master branch from GitHub
52. Tinycon
A small library for manipulating the favicon, in particular adding alert bubbles and changing images. Tinycon created by tommoor, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Tinycon repo is 4,918, and it has a 297 Forks
you can find here the official website for Tinycon
you can Click here Tinycon to download the master branch from GitHub
53. Assemble

Static site generator for Node.js, Grunt.js, and Yeoman (and soon, Gulp), using the Handlebars template engine. Used by Zurb Foundation, Zurb Ink, H5BP/Effeckt, Less.js / lesscss.org, Topcoat, Web Experience Toolkit, and hundreds of other projects to build sites, themes, components, documentation, blogs and gh-pages. Pull requests welcome, stars appreciated!Assemble created by assemble, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Assemble repo is 3,863, and it has a 274 Forks
you can find here the official website for Assemble
you can Click here Assemble to download the master branch from GitHub
54. Cylon

JavaScript framework for robotics, drones, and the Internet of Things (IoT)Cylon created by hybridgroup, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Cylon repo is 3,741, and it has a 358 Forks
you can find here the official website for Cylon
you can Click here Cylon to download the master branch from GitHub
55. Stellar.js
Stellar.js - Parallax scrolling made easyStellar.js created by markdalgleish, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Stellar.js repo is 4,647, and it has a 1401 Forks
you can find here the official website for Stellar.js
you can Click here Stellar.js to download the master branch from GitHub
56. Keypress
A keyboard input capturing utility in which any key can be a modifier key.Keypress created by dmauro, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Keypress repo is 3,187, and it has a 322 Forks
you can find here the official website for Keypress
you can Click here Keypress to download the master branch from GitHub
57. Basket.js

A script and resource loader for caching & loading files with localStorageBasket.js created by addyosmani, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Basket.js repo is 3,347, and it has a 290 Forks
you can find here the official website for Basket.js
you can Click here Basket.js to download the master branch from GitHub
58. Tonal
A functional music theory library for JavascriptTonal created by danigb, this repo was created in 2015
Now the number of Watchers for the Tonal repo is 1,807, and it has a 131 Forks
you can find here the official website for Tonal
you can Click here Tonal to download the master branch from GitHub
59. LZ String
LZ-based compression algorithm for JavaScriptLZ String created by pieroxy, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the LZ String repo is 2,623, and it has a 452 Forks
you can find here the official website for LZ String
you can Click here LZ String to download the master branch from GitHub
60. Tribute
ES6 Native @mentionsTribute created by zurb, this repo was created in 2016
Now the number of Watchers for the Tribute repo is 1,296, and it has a 206 Forks
you can find here the official website for Tribute
you can Click here Tribute to download the master branch from GitHub
61. Parallel.js
Parallel.js is a tiny library for multi-core processing in Javascript.Parallel.js created by adambom, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Parallel.js repo is 2,880, and it has a 210 Forks
you can find here the official website for Parallel.js
you can Click here Parallel.js to download the master branch from GitHub
62. Xdomain
A pure JavaScript CORS alternativeXdomain created by jpillora, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Xdomain repo is 3,038, and it has a 273 Forks
you can find here the official website for Xdomain
you can Click here Xdomain to download the master branch from GitHub
63. jQuery Migrate
APIs and features removed from jQuery corejQuery Migrate created by jquery, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the jQuery Migrate repo is 1,706, and it has a 444 Forks
you can find here the official website for jQuery Migrate
you can Click here jQuery Migrate to download the master branch from GitHub
64. Medium Editor Insert Plugin
jQuery insert plugin for MediumEditor (Medium.com WYSIWYG editor clone)Medium Editor Insert Plugin created by orthes, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Medium Editor Insert Plugin repo is 1,239, and it has a 373 Forks
you can find here the official website for Medium Editor Insert Plugin
you can Click here Medium Editor Insert Plugin to download the master branch from GitHub
65. LeapJS
Javascript library for the Leap motion controllerLeapJS created by leapmotion, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the LeapJS repo is 1,916, and it has a 444 Forks
you can find here the official website for LeapJS
you can Click here LeapJS to download the master branch from GitHub
66. Psd.js
A Photoshop PSD file parser for NodeJS and browsersPsd.js created by meltingice, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Psd.js repo is 1,865, and it has a 290 Forks
you can find here the official website for Psd.js
you can Click here Psd.js to download the master branch from GitHub
67. Engine

GSS engineEngine created by gss, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Engine repo is 2,877, and it has a 127 Forks
you can find here the official website for Engine
you can Click here Engine to download the master branch from GitHub
68. Emojify.js
A Javascript module to convert Emoji keywords to imagesEmojify.js created by hassankhan, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Emojify.js repo is 1,807, and it has a 293 Forks
you can find here the official website for Emojify.js
you can Click here Emojify.js to download the master branch from GitHub
69. Please Js
JavaScript Library for creating random pleasing colors and color schemesPlease Js created by Fooidge, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Please Js repo is 2,250, and it has a 166 Forks
you can find here the official website for Please Js
you can Click here Please Js to download the master branch from GitHub
70. Parsimmon
A monadic LL(infinity) parser combinator library for javascriptParsimmon created by jneen, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Parsimmon repo is 917, and it has a 115 Forks
you can find here the official website for Parsimmon
you can Click here Parsimmon to download the master branch from GitHub
71. Dropbox JS
JavaScript client library for the Dropbox APIDropbox JS created by dropbox, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Dropbox JS repo is 1,361, and it has a 221 Forks
you can find here the official website for Dropbox JS
you can Click here Dropbox JS to download the master branch from GitHub
72. Tablesort
:arrow_up_down: A small tablesorter in plain JavaScriptTablesort created by tristen, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Tablesort repo is 957, and it has a 169 Forks
you can find here the official website for Tablesort
you can Click here Tablesort to download the master branch from GitHub
73. Twitter Post Fetcher
Fetch your twitter posts without using the new Twitter 1.1 API. Pure JavaScript! By Jason MayesTwitter Post Fetcher created by jasonmayes, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Twitter Post Fetcher repo is 875, and it has a 246 Forks
you can find here the official website for Twitter Post Fetcher
you can Click here Twitter Post Fetcher to download the master branch from GitHub
74. Purl
A JS utility for for parsing URLs and extracting information out of them.Purl created by allmarkedup, this repo was created in 2010
Now the number of Watchers for the Purl repo is 1,886, and it has a 411 Forks
you can find here the official website for Purl
you can Click here Purl to download the master branch from GitHub
75. Baffle
A tiny javascript library for obfuscating and revealing text in DOM elements. :astonished:Baffle created by camwiegert, this repo was created in 2016
Now the number of Watchers for the Baffle repo is 1,693, and it has a 78 Forks
you can find here the official website for Baffle
you can Click here Baffle to download the master branch from GitHub
76. Absurd
Writing your CSS in JavaScript. That's it!Absurd created by krasimir, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Absurd repo is 1,371, and it has a 91 Forks
you can find here the official website for Absurd
you can Click here Absurd to download the master branch from GitHub
77. Kartograph.js
Open source JavaScript renderer for Kartograph SVG mapsKartograph.js created by kartograph, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Kartograph.js repo is 1,526, and it has a 238 Forks
you can find here the official website for Kartograph.js
you can Click here Kartograph.js to download the master branch from GitHub
78. Ervy
Bring charts to terminal.Ervy created by chunqiuyiyu, this repo was created in 2018
Now the number of Watchers for the Ervy repo is 1,499, and it has a 52 Forks
you can find here the official website for Ervy
you can Click here Ervy to download the master branch from GitHub
79. Jeeliz Weboji
JavaScript/WebGL real-time face tracking and expression detection library. Build your own Apple Animoji feature! SVG and THREE.js integration demos are provided.Jeeliz Weboji created by jeeliz, this repo was created in 2018
Now the number of Watchers for the Jeeliz Weboji repo is 784, and it has a 101 Forks
you can find here the official website for Jeeliz Weboji
you can Click here Jeeliz Weboji to download the master branch from GitHub
80. Jquery.i18n
jQuery based internationalization libraryJquery.i18n created by wikimedia, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Jquery.i18n repo is 559, and it has a 119 Forks
you can find here the official website for Jquery.i18n
you can Click here Jquery.i18n to download the master branch from GitHub
81. Embed.js
A jQuery plugin that analyses the string and automatically embeds emojis, media, maps, tweets, code and services.Embed.js created by ritz078, this repo was created in 2015
Now the number of Watchers for the Embed.js repo is 1,206, and it has a 93 Forks
you can find here the official website for Embed.js
you can Click here Embed.js to download the master branch from GitHub
82. Jso
A javascript OAuth 2.0 libraryJso created by andreassolberg, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Jso repo is 825, and it has a 160 Forks
you can find here the official website for Jso
you can Click here Jso to download the master branch from GitHub
83. Javascript Astar
A* Search / Pathfinding Algorithm in JavascriptJavascript Astar created by bgrins, this repo was created in 2010
Now the number of Watchers for the Javascript Astar repo is 1,004, and it has a 250 Forks
you can find here the official website for Javascript Astar
you can Click here Javascript Astar to download the master branch from GitHub
84. Social Count
Simple barebones project to show share counts from various social networks.Social Count created by filamentgroup, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Social Count repo is 1,384, and it has a 125 Forks
you can find here the official website for Social Count
you can Click here Social Count to download the master branch from GitHub
85. Trip.js

Trip.js is a plugin that can help you customize a tutorial trip easily with more flexibilities. ( Based on jQuery )Trip.js created by EragonJ, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Trip.js repo is 784, and it has a 111 Forks
you can find here the official website for Trip.js
you can Click here Trip.js to download the master branch from GitHub
86. Nude.js
Nudity detection with JavaScript and HTMLCanvasNude.js created by pa7, this repo was created in 2010
Now the number of Watchers for the Nude.js repo is 2,156, and it has a 229 Forks
you can find here the official website for Nude.js
you can Click here Nude.js to download the master branch from GitHub
87. jQuery hotkeys
jquery.hotkeys plugin lets you easily add and remove handlers for keyboard events anywhere in your code supporting almost any key combination. It takes one line of code to bind/unbind a hot key combinationjQuery hotkeys created by tzuryby, this repo was created in 2008
Now the number of Watchers for the jQuery hotkeys repo is 782, and it has a 666 Forks
you can find here the official website for jQuery hotkeys
you can Click here jQuery hotkeys to download the master branch from GitHub
88. Angular Socialshare
Angular social share module, share urls and content on social networks such as facebook, google+, twitter, pinterest and so on - http://720kb.github.io/angular-socialshareAngular Socialshare created by 720kb, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Angular Socialshare repo is 508, and it has a 170 Forks
you can find here the official website for Angular Socialshare
you can Click here Angular Socialshare to download the master branch from GitHub
89. Filesize.js
JavaScript library to generate a human readable String describing the file sizeFilesize.js created by avoidwork, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Filesize.js repo is 960, and it has a 75 Forks
you can find here the official website for Filesize.js
you can Click here Filesize.js to download the master branch from GitHub
90. Rest Api Nodejs Mongodb
A boilerplate for REST API Development with Node.js, Express, and MongoDBRest Api Nodejs Mongodb created by maitraysuthar, this repo was created in 2019
Now the number of Watchers for the Rest Api Nodejs Mongodb repo is 573, and it has a 169 Forks
you can find here the official website for Rest Api Nodejs Mongodb
you can Click here Rest Api Nodejs Mongodb to download the master branch from GitHub
91. Humanize
A simple utility library for making the web more humane. #hubspot-open-sourceHumanize created by HubSpot, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Humanize repo is 859, and it has a 65 Forks
you can find here the official website for Humanize
you can Click here Humanize to download the master branch from GitHub
92. Mincss
Tool for finding out which CSS selectors you're NOT using.Mincss created by peterbe, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Mincss repo is 854, and it has a 87 Forks
you can find here the official website for Mincss
you can Click here Mincss to download the master branch from GitHub
93. Numeric
Numerical analysis in JavascriptNumeric created by sloisel, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Numeric repo is 1,331, and it has a 172 Forks
you can find here the official website for Numeric
you can Click here Numeric to download the master branch from GitHub
94. Egg.js
A simple javascript library to add easter eggs to web pages.Egg.js created by mikeflynn, this repo was created in 2015
Now the number of Watchers for the Egg.js repo is 1,464, and it has a 104 Forks
you can find here the official website for Egg.js
you can Click here Egg.js to download the master branch from GitHub
95. Gyronorm.js
JavaScript project for accessing and normalizing the accelerometer and gyroscope data on mobile devicesGyronorm.js created by dorukeker, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Gyronorm.js repo is 591, and it has a 70 Forks
you can find here the official website for Gyronorm.js
you can Click here Gyronorm.js to download the master branch from GitHub
96. jQuery IME
jQuery based input methods libraryjQuery IME created by wikimedia, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the jQuery IME repo is 141, and it has a 145 Forks
you can find here the official website for jQuery IME
you can Click here jQuery IME to download the master branch from GitHub
97. Mxn
A Javascript Mapping Abstraction library.Mxn created by mapstraction, this repo was created in 2009
Now the number of Watchers for the Mxn repo is 579, and it has a 135 Forks
you can find here the official website for Mxn
you can Click here Mxn to download the master branch from GitHub
98. Tourist

Simple, flexible tours for your appTourist created by easelinc, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Tourist repo is 1,233, and it has a 1 Forks
you can find here the official website for Tourist
you can Click here Tourist to download the master branch from GitHub
99. Adapt
Adapt.js serves CSS based on screen width.Adapt created by nathansmith, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Adapt repo is 842, and it has a 133 Forks
you can find here the official website for Adapt
you can Click here Adapt to download the master branch from GitHub
100. Danmaku
A high-performance JavaScript danmaku engine. 高性能弹幕引擎库Danmaku created by weizhenye, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Danmaku repo is 423, and it has a 57 Forks
you can find here the official website for Danmaku
you can Click here Danmaku to download the master branch from GitHub
101. Gitdown
GitHub markdown preprocessor.Gitdown created by gajus, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Gitdown repo is 417, and it has a 54 Forks
you can find here the official website for Gitdown
you can Click here Gitdown to download the master branch from GitHub
102. jQuery Instagram
Instagram jQuery pluginjQuery Instagram created by potomak, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the jQuery Instagram repo is 577, and it has a 152 Forks
you can find here the official website for jQuery Instagram
you can Click here jQuery Instagram to download the master branch from GitHub
103. Hc Sticky
Dependency free javascript library that makes any element on your page visible while you scroll.Hc Sticky created by somewebmedia, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Hc Sticky repo is 359, and it has a 102 Forks
you can find here the official website for Hc Sticky
you can Click here Hc Sticky to download the master branch from GitHub
104. Communist
JavaScript library for web workers.Communist created by calvinmetcalf, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Communist repo is 558, and it has a 54 Forks
you can find here the official website for Communist
you can Click here Communist to download the master branch from GitHub
105. Catiline
JavaScript library to take the pain out of web workers.Catiline created by calvinmetcalf, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Catiline repo is 558, and it has a 54 Forks
you can find here the official website for Catiline
you can Click here Catiline to download the master branch from GitHub
106. Contents
Table of contents generator.Contents created by gajus, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Contents repo is 405, and it has a 42 Forks
you can find here the official website for Contents
you can Click here Contents to download the master branch from GitHub
107. Ass
A JavaScript ASS subtitle format rendererAss created by weizhenye, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Ass repo is 331, and it has a 88 Forks
you can find here the official website for Ass
you can Click here Ass to download the master branch from GitHub
108. Stratifiedjs
Oni StratifiedJS (previously Apollo)Stratifiedjs created by onilabs, this repo was created in 2010
Now the number of Watchers for the Stratifiedjs repo is 227, and it has a 21 Forks
you can find here the official website for Stratifiedjs
you can Click here Stratifiedjs to download the master branch from GitHub
109. Idle.js

Javascript activity library for the browser. (away, idle, etc)Idle.js created by shawnmclean, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Idle.js repo is 382, and it has a 63 Forks
you can find here the official website for Idle.js
you can Click here Idle.js to download the master branch from GitHub
110. Big Screen
A simple library for using the JavaScript Fullscreen API.Big Screen created by bdougherty, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Big Screen repo is 711, and it has a 83 Forks
you can find here the official website for Big Screen
you can Click here Big Screen to download the master branch from GitHub
111. Es2015 I18n Tag
ES2015 template literal tag for i18n and l10n (translation and internationalization)Es2015 I18n Tag created by skolmer, this repo was created in 2016
Now the number of Watchers for the Es2015 I18n Tag repo is 165, and it has a 12 Forks
you can find here the official website for Es2015 I18n Tag
you can Click here Es2015 I18n Tag to download the master branch from GitHub
112. Themoviedb Javascript Library
A Javascript library to interact with themoviedb.org Rest API.Themoviedb Javascript Library created by cavestri, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Themoviedb Javascript Library repo is 256, and it has a 97 Forks
you can find here the official website for Themoviedb Javascript Library
you can Click here Themoviedb Javascript Library to download the master branch from GitHub
113. React Page Progress
:tada: Sweet Component powered by React Hooks ???? :point_right:React Page Progress created by NomanGul, this repo was created in 2018
Now the number of Watchers for the React Page Progress repo is 147, and it has a 18 Forks
you can find here the official website for React Page Progress
you can Click here React Page Progress to download the master branch from GitHub
114. React Translated
A dead simple way to add complex translations (i18n) in a React (DOM/Native) project ????????????React Translated created by amsul, this repo was created in 2017
Now the number of Watchers for the React Translated repo is 173, and it has a 13 Forks
you can find here the official website for React Translated
you can Click here React Translated to download the master branch from GitHub
115. React Decoration
A collection of decorators for React ComponentsReact Decoration created by mbasso, this repo was created in 2016
Now the number of Watchers for the React Decoration repo is 639, and it has a 27 Forks
you can find here the official website for React Decoration
you can Click here React Decoration to download the master branch from GitHub
116. Maybe
Maybe is a type that wraps optional valuesMaybe created by alexanderjarvis, this repo was created in 2017
Now the number of Watchers for the Maybe repo is 307, and it has a 10 Forks
you can find here the official website for Maybe
you can Click here Maybe to download the master branch from GitHub
117. Livestamp.js
A simple, unobtrusive jQuery plugin that provides auto-updating timeago text to your timestamped HTML elements using Moment.js.Livestamp.js created by mattbradley, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Livestamp.js repo is 413, and it has a 74 Forks
you can find here the official website for Livestamp.js
you can Click here Livestamp.js to download the master branch from GitHub
118. Voix
A JavaScript library to add voice commands to your sites, apps or games. [WIP]Voix created by pazguille, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Voix repo is 539, and it has a 78 Forks
you can find here the official website for Voix
you can Click here Voix to download the master branch from GitHub
119. Breakpoints
Trigger jQuery events for your responsive design breakpoints!Breakpoints created by xoxco, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Breakpoints repo is 577, and it has a 90 Forks
you can find here the official website for Breakpoints
you can Click here Breakpoints to download the master branch from GitHub
120. Olly.js
Translate URLs into Rich MediaOlly.js created by abeisgreat, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Olly.js repo is 446, and it has a 31 Forks
you can find here the official website for Olly.js
you can Click here Olly.js to download the master branch from GitHub
121. Red Script
A Ruby Flavored LanguageRed Script created by AdamBrodzinski, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Red Script repo is 420, and it has a 15 Forks
you can find here the official website for Red Script
you can Click here Red Script to download the master branch from GitHub
122. Rule Reactor
A light weight, fast, expressive forward chaining business rule engine leveraging JavaScript internals, lazy cross-products, and Functions as objects rather than Rete. NOTE: The master branch is the front edge of development. If you desire a more tested version, use the npm package.Rule Reactor created by anywhichway, this repo was created in 2016
Now the number of Watchers for the Rule Reactor repo is 190, and it has a 20 Forks
you can find here the official website for Rule Reactor
you can Click here Rule Reactor to download the master branch from GitHub
123. Code Blast Codemirror
Particles blasts while typing in CodemirrorCode Blast Codemirror created by chinchang, this repo was created in 2015
Now the number of Watchers for the Code Blast Codemirror repo is 342, and it has a 88 Forks
you can find here the official website for Code Blast Codemirror
you can Click here Code Blast Codemirror to download the master branch from GitHub
124. Trial Js
Mouse position monitoring and user input predictionTrial Js created by MarkoCen, this repo was created in 2016
Now the number of Watchers for the Trial Js repo is 544, and it has a 30 Forks
you can find here the official website for Trial Js
you can Click here Trial Js to download the master branch from GitHub
125. Re Marked.js
Client-side markdown generatorRe Marked.js created by leeoniya, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Re Marked.js repo is 374, and it has a 56 Forks
you can find here the official website for Re Marked.js
you can Click here Re Marked.js to download the master branch from GitHub
126. Natural Regex
Create regex from natural languageNatural Regex created by mbasso, this repo was created in 2016
Now the number of Watchers for the Natural Regex repo is 147, and it has a 9 Forks
you can find here the official website for Natural Regex
you can Click here Natural Regex to download the master branch from GitHub
127. Pjs

Classes for javascript that don't suck.Pjs created by jneen, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Pjs repo is 197, and it has a 29 Forks
you can find here the official website for Pjs
you can Click here Pjs to download the master branch from GitHub
128. Timer.js
Timer.js is a periodic timer for Node.js and the browser.Timer.js created by fschaefer, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Timer.js repo is 137, and it has a 22 Forks
you can find here the official website for Timer.js
you can Click here Timer.js to download the master branch from GitHub
129. Goodnight
A super small Javascript plugin for applying CSS styles at night.Goodnight created by JaredCubilla, this repo was created in 2014
Now the number of Watchers for the Goodnight repo is 187, and it has a 9 Forks
you can find here the official website for Goodnight
you can Click here Goodnight to download the master branch from GitHub
130. Cutter.js
Truncate HTML code to limit its length by number of words without losing markup.Cutter.js created by tcorral, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Cutter.js repo is 219, and it has a 17 Forks
you can find here the official website for Cutter.js
you can Click here Cutter.js to download the master branch from GitHub
131. Css Console
cssConsole is a jquery plugin that allows you to transform DOM element into console/terminal like input.Css Console created by michalkow, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Css Console repo is 285, and it has a 18 Forks
you can find here the official website for Css Console
you can Click here Css Console to download the master branch from GitHub
132. Easy A/B
A jQuery / Zepto plugin for easily setting up A/B and Multivariate tests using Analytics.Easy A/B created by srom, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Easy A/B repo is 174, and it has a 20 Forks
you can find here the official website for Easy A/B
you can Click here Easy A/B to download the master branch from GitHub
133. Vue Headful
Set document title and meta tags with Vue.jsVue Headful created by troxler, this repo was created in 2018
Now the number of Watchers for the Vue Headful repo is 222, and it has a 17 Forks
you can find here the official website for Vue Headful
you can Click here Vue Headful to download the master branch from GitHub
134. Jquery Zoomer
Zoom up your iFramesJquery Zoomer created by HubSpot, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Jquery Zoomer repo is 80, and it has a 16 Forks
you can find here the official website for Jquery Zoomer
you can Click here Jquery Zoomer to download the master branch from GitHub
135. Objgrep
Find strings inside complicated javascript objectsObjgrep created by begriffs, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Objgrep repo is 161, and it has a 7 Forks
you can find here the official website for Objgrep
you can Click here Objgrep to download the master branch from GitHub
136. Wordcount.js

Calculate file newlines, word, and byte counts on client side using HTML5 File API. (Emulates Linux's wc command)Wordcount.js created by bostrt, this repo was created in 2013
Now the number of Watchers for the Wordcount.js repo is 108, and it has a 8 Forks
you can find here the official website for Wordcount.js
you can Click here Wordcount.js to download the master branch from GitHub
137. Probability.js
Probability.js makes it easy to call JavaScript functions by probability in Node.js and the browser.Probability.js created by fschaefer, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Probability.js repo is 157, and it has a 12 Forks
you can find here the official website for Probability.js
you can Click here Probability.js to download the master branch from GitHub
138. Battery.js
A tiny wrapper for the HTML5 Battery Status API.Battery.js created by pstadler, this repo was created in 2012
Now the number of Watchers for the Battery.js repo is 110, and it has a 23 Forks
you can find here the official website for Battery.js
you can Click here Battery.js to download the master branch from GitHub
139. Hex Rgb Conversion
181 byte two way conversion micro-library for Hexadecimal & RGB colorsHex Rgb Conversion created by daniellmb, this repo was created in 2011
Now the number of Watchers for the Hex Rgb Conversion repo is 38, and it has a 13 Forks
you can find here the official website for Hex Rgb Conversion
you can Click here Hex Rgb Conversion to download the master branch from GitHub
In this post, we explored the 139 Best JavaScript miscellaneous to Use in your project.
If you like these 139 Best JavaScript miscellaneous to Use in your project then please share with your friends and colleagues.