7 Awesome JavaScript elements Libraries

In this post, we look at the 7 Best JavaScript elements to Use in your project to try this year

JavaScript is one of the most popular modern web technologies And JavaScript is one of the core technologies of web development and can be used on both the front-end and the back-end, By the way, there are similarities between JavaScript and Java, including language name, syntax, and respective standard libraries, the two languages are distinct and differ greatly in design.

You need to learn about JavaScript data types, built-in methods, and variables. and how to use if, else if, else, switch, and ternary syntax to control the flow of a program in JavaScript

7 Awesome JavaScript elements Libraries

Table of Contents

1. Ace

Ajax.org Cloud9 EditorAce created by ajaxorg, this repo was created in 2010

Now the number of Watchers for the Ace repo is 22,205, and it has a 4816 Forks

you can find here the official website for Ace

you can Click here Ace to download the master branch from GitHub

2. Highlight.js

Javascript syntax highlighterHighlight.js created by isagalaev, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Highlight.js repo is 17,357, and it has a 2936 Forks

you can find here the official website for Highlight.js

you can Click here Highlight.js to download the master branch from GitHub

3. Chosen

Chosen is a library for making long, unwieldy select boxes more friendly.Chosen created by harvesthq, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Chosen repo is 22,158, and it has a 4221 Forks

you can find here the official website for Chosen

you can Click here Chosen to download the master branch from GitHub

4. Spin.js


A spinning activity indicatorSpin.js created by fgnass, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Spin.js repo is 9,338, and it has a 1081 Forks

you can find here the official website for Spin.js

you can Click here Spin.js to download the master branch from GitHub

5. q Tip2

qTip2 - Pretty powerful tooltipsq Tip2 created by qTip2, this repo was created in 2010

Now the number of Watchers for the q Tip2 repo is 2,007, and it has a 473 Forks

you can find here the official website for q Tip2

you can Click here q Tip2 to download the master branch from GitHub

6. Syntax Highlighter

Syntax Highlighter

SyntaxHighlighter is a fully functional self-contained code syntax highlighter developed in JavaScript.Syntax Highlighter created by alexgorbatchev, this repo was created in 2010

Now the number of Watchers for the Syntax Highlighter repo is 310, and it has a 156 Forks

you can find here the official website for Syntax Highlighter

you can Click here Syntax Highlighter to download the master branch from GitHub

7. Select2

Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results.Select2 created by ivaynberg, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Select2 repo is 1, and it has a 4 Forks

you can find here the official website for Select2

you can Click here Select2 to download the master branch from GitHub


That's all about 7 Best JavaScript elements to Use in your project.

If you have any other JS elements you’d like to suggest? Let us know on Facebook

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