192 Free JavaScript utilities Libraries and Plugins

This article is designed for beginners and professionals.

JavaScript can be used for Client-side developments as well as Server-side developments And JavaScript also provides the facility of creating presentations which gives website look and feel, JavaScript is an open-source & most popular client-side scripting language supported by all browsers.

You need to learn about JavaScript data types, built-in methods, and variables. and how to use if, else if, else, switch, and ternary syntax to control the flow of a program in JavaScript

192 Free JavaScript utilities Libraries and Plugins

1. Axios

Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.jsAxios created by mzabriskie, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the Axios repo is 78,334, and it has a 7360 Forks

you can find here the official website for Axios

you can Click here Axios to download the master branch from GitHub

2. Sentry

Sentry is a realtime error logging and aggregation platformSentry created by getsentry, this repo was created in 2010

Now the number of Watchers for the Sentry repo is 26,410, and it has a 2997 Forks

you can find here the official website for Sentry

you can Click here Sentry to download the master branch from GitHub

3. Parcel


???????? Blazing fast, zero configuration web application bundlerParcel created by parcel-bundler, this repo was created in 2017

Now the number of Watchers for the Parcel repo is 36,967, and it has a 1828 Forks

you can find here the official website for Parcel

you can Click here Parcel to download the master branch from GitHub

4. Lodash

An alternative to Underscore.js, delivering consistency, customization, performance, and extra features.Lodash created by bestiejs, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Lodash repo is 46,960, and it has a 5280 Forks

you can find here the official website for Lodash

you can Click here Lodash to download the master branch from GitHub

5. Mobservable

Observable data. Reactive functions. Simple code.Mobservable created by mweststrate, this repo was created in 2015

Now the number of Watchers for the Mobservable repo is 22,668, and it has a 1447 Forks

you can find here the official website for Mobservable

you can Click here Mobservable to download the master branch from GitHub

6. Modernizr

Modernizr is a JavaScript library that detects HTML5 and CSS3 features in the user’s browser.Modernizr created by Modernizr, this repo was created in 2009

Now the number of Watchers for the Modernizr repo is 24,599, and it has a 3045 Forks

you can find here the official website for Modernizr

you can Click here Modernizr to download the master branch from GitHub

7. Async

Async utilities for node and the browserAsync created by caolan, this repo was created in 2010

Now the number of Watchers for the Async repo is 26,783, and it has a 2383 Forks

you can find here the official website for Async

you can Click here Async to download the master branch from GitHub

8. React Virtualized

React Virtualized

React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular dataReact Virtualized created by bvaughn, this repo was created in 2015

Now the number of Watchers for the React Virtualized repo is 20,275, and it has a 2473 Forks

you can find here the official website for React Virtualized

you can Click here React Virtualized to download the master branch from GitHub

9. Ramda

:ram: Practical functional JavascriptRamda created by ramda, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Ramda repo is 19,647, and it has a 1256 Forks

you can find here the official website for Ramda

you can Click here Ramda to download the master branch from GitHub

10. Underscore

JavaScript's utility _ beltUnderscore created by jashkenas, this repo was created in 2009

Now the number of Watchers for the Underscore repo is 25,616, and it has a 5566 Forks

you can find here the official website for Underscore

you can Click here Underscore to download the master branch from GitHub

11. React Native Web

React Native for WebReact Native Web created by necolas, this repo was created in 2015

Now the number of Watchers for the React Native Web repo is 17,567, and it has a 1477 Forks

you can find here the official website for React Native Web

you can Click here React Native Web to download the master branch from GitHub

12. Cheerio

Fast, flexible, and lean implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server.Cheerio created by cheeriojs, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Cheerio repo is 22,794, and it has a 1411 Forks

you can find here the official website for Cheerio

you can Click here Cheerio to download the master branch from GitHub

13. Phantomjs

Scriptable Headless WebKitPhantomjs created by ariya, this repo was created in 2010

Now the number of Watchers for the Phantomjs repo is 27,954, and it has a 5778 Forks

you can find here the official website for Phantomjs

you can Click here Phantomjs to download the master branch from GitHub

14. Superagent

Ajax with less suck - (and node.js HTTP client to match)Superagent created by visionmedia, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Superagent repo is 15,385, and it has a 1249 Forks

you can find here the official website for Superagent

you can Click here Superagent to download the master branch from GitHub

15. Rx Js

Rx Js

The Reactive Extensions for JavaScriptRx Js created by Reactive-Extensions, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Rx Js repo is 19,716, and it has a 2226 Forks

you can find here the official website for Rx Js

you can Click here Rx Js to download the master branch from GitHub

16. Immer

Create the next immutable state by mutating the current oneImmer created by mweststrate, this repo was created in 2017

Now the number of Watchers for the Immer repo is 18,289, and it has a 505 Forks

you can find here the official website for Immer

you can Click here Immer to download the master branch from GitHub

17. UI Router

UI Router

The de-facto solution to flexible routing with nested viewsUI Router created by angular-ui, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the UI Router repo is 13,812, and it has a 3211 Forks

you can find here the official website for UI Router

you can Click here UI Router to download the master branch from GitHub

18. Dragula


:ok_hand: Drag and drop so simple it hurtsDragula created by bevacqua, this repo was created in 2015

Now the number of Watchers for the Dragula repo is 20,124, and it has a 1825 Forks

you can find here the official website for Dragula

you can Click here Dragula to download the master branch from GitHub

19. Node Browserify

browser-side require() the node.js wayNode Browserify created by substack, this repo was created in 2010

Now the number of Watchers for the Node Browserify repo is 13,412, and it has a 1175 Forks

you can find here the official website for Node Browserify

you can Click here Node Browserify to download the master branch from GitHub

20. Q


A tool for making and composing asynchronous promises in JavaScriptQ created by kriskowal, this repo was created in 2010

Now the number of Watchers for the Q repo is 14,882, and it has a 1248 Forks

you can find here the official website for Q

you can Click here Q to download the master branch from GitHub

21. Raven Js

Raven Js

JavaScript client for SentryRaven Js created by getsentry, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Raven Js repo is 4,957, and it has a 910 Forks

you can find here the official website for Raven Js

you can Click here Raven Js to download the master branch from GitHub

22. Vis

Dynamic, browser-based visualization libraryVis created by almende, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Vis repo is 7,959, and it has a 1564 Forks

you can find here the official website for Vis

you can Click here Vis to download the master branch from GitHub

23. Robotjs

Node.js Desktop Automation. Robotjs created by octalmage, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the Robotjs repo is 9,572, and it has a 660 Forks

you can find here the official website for Robotjs

you can Click here Robotjs to download the master branch from GitHub

24. Vue I18n

:globe_with_meridians: Internationalization plugin for Vue.jsVue I18n created by kazupon, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the Vue I18n repo is 5,864, and it has a 690 Forks

you can find here the official website for Vue I18n

you can Click here Vue I18n to download the master branch from GitHub

Turbolinks makes navigating your web application fasterTurbolinks created by turbolinks, this repo was created in 2016

Now the number of Watchers for the Turbolinks repo is 11,835, and it has a 602 Forks

you can find here the official website for Turbolinks

you can Click here Turbolinks to download the master branch from GitHub

26. Page.js

Micro client-side router inspired by the Express router (~1200 bytes)Page.js created by visionmedia, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Page.js repo is 7,158, and it has a 710 Forks

you can find here the official website for Page.js

you can Click here Page.js to download the master branch from GitHub

27. Wow


Reveal CSS animation as you scroll down a pageWow created by matthieua, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Wow repo is 9,361, and it has a 3719 Forks

you can find here the official website for Wow

you can Click here Wow to download the master branch from GitHub

28. Is.js

Micro check libraryIs.js created by arasatasaygin, this repo was created in 2015

Now the number of Watchers for the Is.js repo is 9,058, and it has a 655 Forks

you can find here the official website for Is.js

you can Click here Is.js to download the master branch from GitHub

29. Tether

A positioning engine to make overlays, tooltips and dropdowns better #hubspot-open-sourceTether created by HubSpot, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Tether repo is 8,371, and it has a 811 Forks

you can find here the official website for Tether

you can Click here Tether to download the master branch from GitHub

30. UA Parser

Lightweight JavaScript-based User-Agent string parser. Supports browser & node.js environment. Also available as jQuery plugin.UA Parser created by faisalman, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the UA Parser repo is 4,935, and it has a 795 Forks

you can find here the official website for UA Parser

you can Click here UA Parser to download the master branch from GitHub

31. Interact.js


Drag and drop, resizing and multi-touch gestures with inertia and snapping for modern browsers (and also IE8+)Interact.js created by taye, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Interact.js repo is 9,733, and it has a 682 Forks

you can find here the official website for Interact.js

you can Click here Interact.js to download the master branch from GitHub

32. Masonry

Layout elements in a grid, like a mason fitting stones in a wallMasonry created by desandro, this repo was created in 2009

Now the number of Watchers for the Masonry repo is 14,939, and it has a 2140 Forks

you can find here the official website for Masonry

you can Click here Masonry to download the master branch from GitHub

33. Lunr.js

A bit like Solr, but much smaller and not as brightLunr.js created by olivernn, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Lunr.js repo is 7,183, and it has a 529 Forks

you can find here the official website for Lunr.js

you can Click here Lunr.js to download the master branch from GitHub

34. Jexcel

jExcel | the javascript spreadsheet is a very light jquery plugin to add a excel compatible spreadsheet in your application or web based software. Create smarter apps including data tables, grid and spreasheets with this awesome jquery spreadsheet plugin. For live examples, please visit:Jexcel created by paulhodel, this repo was created in 2017

Now the number of Watchers for the Jexcel repo is 5,162, and it has a 563 Forks

you can find here the official website for Jexcel

you can Click here Jexcel to download the master branch from GitHub

35. Dom Purify

DOMPurify - a DOM-only, super-fast, uber-tolerant XSS sanitizer for HTML, MathML and SVG. DOMPurify works with a secure default, but offers a lot of configurability and hooks. Demo:Dom Purify created by cure53, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the Dom Purify repo is 6,020, and it has a 397 Forks

you can find here the official website for Dom Purify

you can Click here Dom Purify to download the master branch from GitHub

36. Tippyjs

Highly customizable vanilla JS tooltip/popover libraryTippyjs created by atomiks, this repo was created in 2017

Now the number of Watchers for the Tippyjs repo is 8,046, and it has a 457 Forks

you can find here the official website for Tippyjs

you can Click here Tippyjs to download the master branch from GitHub

37. Isotope

An exquisite jQuery plugin for magical layouts. Enables filtering, sorting, and dynamic layouts.Isotope created by desandro, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Isotope repo is 10,121, and it has a 1426 Forks

you can find here the official website for Isotope

you can Click here Isotope to download the master branch from GitHub

38. Mousetrap

Simple library for handling keyboard shortcuts in JavascriptMousetrap created by ccampbell, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Mousetrap repo is 10,377, and it has a 925 Forks

you can find here the official website for Mousetrap

you can Click here Mousetrap to download the master branch from GitHub

39. Vue Js Modal

:pizza: Simple to use, highly customizable, mobile friendly Vue.js 2.0+ modal.Vue Js Modal created by euvl, this repo was created in 2016

Now the number of Watchers for the Vue Js Modal repo is 3,601, and it has a 494 Forks

you can find here the official website for Vue Js Modal

you can Click here Vue Js Modal to download the master branch from GitHub

40. Bacon.js

FRP (functional reactive programming) library for JavascriptBacon.js created by baconjs, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Bacon.js repo is 6,282, and it has a 341 Forks

you can find here the official website for Bacon.js

you can Click here Bacon.js to download the master branch from GitHub

41. Polished


A lightweight toolset for writing styles in JavaScript ✨Polished created by styled-components, this repo was created in 2016

Now the number of Watchers for the Polished repo is 6,430, and it has a 219 Forks

you can find here the official website for Polished

you can Click here Polished to download the master branch from GitHub

42. Timeago.js

timeago.js is a tiny library used to format date with `*** time ago` statement. eg: '3 hours ago'.Timeago.js created by hustcc, this repo was created in 2016

Now the number of Watchers for the Timeago.js repo is 4,269, and it has a 374 Forks

you can find here the official website for Timeago.js

you can Click here Timeago.js to download the master branch from GitHub

43. Jquery Timeago

Timeago is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to support automatically updating fuzzy timestamps (e.g. "4 minutes ago").Jquery Timeago created by rmm5t, this repo was created in 2008

Now the number of Watchers for the Jquery Timeago repo is 3,816, and it has a 720 Forks

you can find here the official website for Jquery Timeago

you can Click here Jquery Timeago to download the master branch from GitHub

44. jQuery.nicescroll

nicescroll plugin for jquery - scrollbars like iphone/ipadjQuery.nicescroll created by inuyaksa, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the jQuery.nicescroll repo is 3,552, and it has a 1681 Forks

you can find here the official website for jQuery.nicescroll

you can Click here jQuery.nicescroll to download the master branch from GitHub

45. Intercooler Js

Making AJAX as easy as anchor tagsIntercooler Js created by LeadDyno, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Intercooler Js repo is 4,614, and it has a 214 Forks

you can find here the official website for Intercooler Js

you can Click here Intercooler Js to download the master branch from GitHub

46. Refluxjs

A simple library for uni-directional dataflow application architecture inspired by ReactJS FluxRefluxjs created by spoike, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the Refluxjs repo is 5,424, and it has a 359 Forks

you can find here the official website for Refluxjs

you can Click here Refluxjs to download the master branch from GitHub

47. Moveable

↔️ ↕️ ???? Moveable! Draggable! Resizable! Scalable! Rotatable!Moveable created by daybrush, this repo was created in 2019

Now the number of Watchers for the Moveable repo is 4,908, and it has a 228 Forks

you can find here the official website for Moveable

you can Click here Moveable to download the master branch from GitHub

48. Keymaster

A simple micro-library for defining and dispatching keyboard shortcuts. It has no dependencies.Keymaster created by madrobby, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Keymaster repo is 6,366, and it has a 487 Forks

you can find here the official website for Keymaster

you can Click here Keymaster to download the master branch from GitHub

49. Graphql Editor

Graphql Editor

GraphQL Visual Node EditorGraphql Editor created by slothking-online, this repo was created in 2018

Now the number of Watchers for the Graphql Editor repo is 4,820, and it has a 205 Forks

you can find here the official website for Graphql Editor

you can Click here Graphql Editor to download the master branch from GitHub

50. Fastdom


Eliminates layout thrashing by batching DOM read/write operationsFastdom created by wilsonpage, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Fastdom repo is 5,880, and it has a 250 Forks

you can find here the official website for Fastdom

you can Click here Fastdom to download the master branch from GitHub

51. Portal Vue

A Portal Component for Vuejs, for rendering DOM outside of a component, anywhere in the document.Portal Vue created by LinusBorg, this repo was created in 2016

Now the number of Watchers for the Portal Vue repo is 2,996, and it has a 145 Forks

you can find here the official website for Portal Vue

you can Click here Portal Vue to download the master branch from GitHub

52. When


A solid, fast Promises/A+ and when() implementation, plus other async goodies.When created by cujojs, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the When repo is 3,419, and it has a 410 Forks

you can find here the official website for When

you can Click here When to download the master branch from GitHub

53. PreloadJS

PreloadJS makes preloading assets & getting aggregate progress events easier in JavaScript. It uses XHR2 when available, and falls back to tag-based loading when not.PreloadJS created by CreateJS, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the PreloadJS repo is 2,693, and it has a 755 Forks

you can find here the official website for PreloadJS

you can Click here PreloadJS to download the master branch from GitHub

54. Prefixfree

Break free from CSS prefix hell!Prefixfree created by LeaVerou, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Prefixfree repo is 3,813, and it has a 748 Forks

you can find here the official website for Prefixfree

you can Click here Prefixfree to download the master branch from GitHub

55. Lazy.js

Like underscore.js, but lazierLazy.js created by dtao, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Lazy.js repo is 5,935, and it has a 302 Forks

you can find here the official website for Lazy.js

you can Click here Lazy.js to download the master branch from GitHub

56. Bespoke.js


DIY Presentation Micro-FrameworkBespoke.js created by markdalgleish, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Bespoke.js repo is 4,558, and it has a 459 Forks

you can find here the official website for Bespoke.js

you can Click here Bespoke.js to download the master branch from GitHub

57. Alertify.js

JavaScript Alert/Notification SystemAlertify.js created by fabien-d, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Alertify.js repo is 4,334, and it has a 783 Forks

you can find here the official website for Alertify.js

you can Click here Alertify.js to download the master branch from GitHub

58. Platform.js

A platform detection library that works on nearly all JavaScript platforms. Platform.js created by bestiejs, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Platform.js repo is 2,721, and it has a 377 Forks

you can find here the official website for Platform.js

you can Click here Platform.js to download the master branch from GitHub

59. jScrollPane

Pretty, customisable, cross browser replacement scrollbarsjScrollPane created by vitch, this repo was created in 2010

Now the number of Watchers for the jScrollPane repo is 2,173, and it has a 668 Forks

you can find here the official website for jScrollPane

you can Click here jScrollPane to download the master branch from GitHub

60. Csso


CSS-optimizerCsso created by css, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Csso repo is 3,176, and it has a 190 Forks

you can find here the official website for Csso

you can Click here Csso to download the master branch from GitHub

61. Sticky Kit

A jQuery plugin for creating smart sticky elementsSticky Kit created by leafo, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Sticky Kit repo is 2,968, and it has a 559 Forks

you can find here the official website for Sticky Kit

you can Click here Sticky Kit to download the master branch from GitHub

62. Highland

High-level streams library for Node.js and the browserHighland created by caolan, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Highland repo is 3,320, and it has a 159 Forks

you can find here the official website for Highland

you can Click here Highland to download the master branch from GitHub

63. Fluxible

A pluggable container for isomorphic flux applicationsFluxible created by yahoo, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the Fluxible repo is 1,819, and it has a 231 Forks

you can find here the official website for Fluxible

you can Click here Fluxible to download the master branch from GitHub

64. Redux Loop

A port of elm-effects and the Elm Architecture to Redux that allows you to sequence your effects naturally and purely by returning them from your reducers.Redux Loop created by raisemarketplace, this repo was created in 2016

Now the number of Watchers for the Redux Loop repo is 1,917, and it has a 139 Forks

you can find here the official website for Redux Loop

you can Click here Redux Loop to download the master branch from GitHub

65. Packery

bin-packing layout libraryPackery created by metafizzy, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Packery repo is 3,732, and it has a 318 Forks

you can find here the official website for Packery

you can Click here Packery to download the master branch from GitHub

66. Libretaxi

LibreTaxi, free and open source Uber/Lyft alternative to connect passengers and drivers.Libretaxi created by ro31337, this repo was created in 2016

Now the number of Watchers for the Libretaxi repo is 3,519, and it has a 821 Forks

you can find here the official website for Libretaxi

you can Click here Libretaxi to download the master branch from GitHub

67. Stampit

Create objects from reusable, composable behaviors.Stampit created by dilvie, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Stampit repo is 2,999, and it has a 107 Forks

you can find here the official website for Stampit

you can Click here Stampit to download the master branch from GitHub

68. Fast Memoize.js

:rabbit: Fastest possible memoization libraryFast Memoize.js created by caiogondim, this repo was created in 2016

Now the number of Watchers for the Fast Memoize.js repo is 2,340, and it has a 97 Forks

you can find here the official website for Fast Memoize.js

you can Click here Fast Memoize.js to download the master branch from GitHub

69. Shuffle

jQuery Shuffle PluginShuffle created by Vestride, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Shuffle repo is 1,965, and it has a 285 Forks

you can find here the official website for Shuffle

you can Click here Shuffle to download the master branch from GitHub

70. Enquire.js

Awesome Media Queries in JavaScriptEnquire.js created by WickyNilliams, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Enquire.js repo is 3,624, and it has a 269 Forks

you can find here the official website for Enquire.js

you can Click here Enquire.js to download the master branch from GitHub

71. Steal

Gets JavaScriptSteal created by bitovi, this repo was created in 2010

Now the number of Watchers for the Steal repo is 1,341, and it has a 538 Forks

you can find here the official website for Steal

you can Click here Steal to download the master branch from GitHub

72. Pusher Js

Pusher Javascript libraryPusher Js created by pusher, this repo was created in 2010

Now the number of Watchers for the Pusher Js repo is 1,487, and it has a 289 Forks

you can find here the official website for Pusher Js

you can Click here Pusher Js to download the master branch from GitHub

73. Fast.js

Faster user-land reimplementations for several common builtin native JavaScript functions.Fast.js created by codemix, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the Fast.js repo is 3,408, and it has a 133 Forks

you can find here the official website for Fast.js

you can Click here Fast.js to download the master branch from GitHub

74. Keyboard Js

A JavaScript library for binding keyboard combos without the pain of key codes and key combo conflicts.Keyboard Js created by RobertWHurst, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Keyboard Js repo is 1,685, and it has a 213 Forks

you can find here the official website for Keyboard Js

you can Click here Keyboard Js to download the master branch from GitHub

75. Loglevel


Minimal lightweight logging for JavaScript, adding reliable log level methods to wrap any available console.log methodsLoglevel created by pimterry, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Loglevel repo is 1,881, and it has a 152 Forks

you can find here the official website for Loglevel

you can Click here Loglevel to download the master branch from GitHub

76. Backbone.stickit

Backbone data binding, model binding plugin. The real logic-less templates.Backbone.stickit created by NYTimes, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Backbone.stickit repo is 1,671, and it has a 189 Forks

you can find here the official website for Backbone.stickit

you can Click here Backbone.stickit to download the master branch from GitHub

77. Machina.js

js ex machina - finite state machines in JavaScriptMachina.js created by ifandelse, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Machina.js repo is 1,906, and it has a 159 Forks

you can find here the official website for Machina.js

you can Click here Machina.js to download the master branch from GitHub

78. Curl

A small, fast module and resource loader with dependency management. (AMD, CommonJS Modules/1.1, CSS, HTML, etc.)Curl created by cujojs, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Curl repo is 1,876, and it has a 214 Forks

you can find here the official website for Curl

you can Click here Curl to download the master branch from GitHub

79. Backbone Layout Manager

A layout and template manager for Backbone.js applications.Backbone Layout Manager created by tbranyen, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Backbone Layout Manager repo is 1,711, and it has a 178 Forks

you can find here the official website for Backbone Layout Manager

you can Click here Backbone Layout Manager to download the master branch from GitHub

80. Humane.js

A simple, modern, browser notification systemHumane.js created by wavded, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Humane.js repo is 2,088, and it has a 205 Forks

you can find here the official website for Humane.js

you can Click here Humane.js to download the master branch from GitHub

81. Sift.js

filter arrays using mongodb queriesSift.js created by crcn, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Sift.js repo is 1,188, and it has a 91 Forks

you can find here the official website for Sift.js

you can Click here Sift.js to download the master branch from GitHub

82. Webshim

Webshims Lib is a modular capability-based polyfill-loading libraryWebshim created by aFarkas, this repo was created in 2010

Now the number of Watchers for the Webshim repo is 1,443, and it has a 209 Forks

you can find here the official website for Webshim

you can Click here Webshim to download the master branch from GitHub

83. jStorage

jStorage is a simple key/value database to store data on browser side. As a bonus it is also a local pubsub platform to sync data between tabs/windowsjStorage created by andris9, this repo was created in 2010

Now the number of Watchers for the jStorage repo is 1,536, and it has a 291 Forks

you can find here the official website for jStorage

you can Click here jStorage to download the master branch from GitHub

84. Across Tabs

Easy communication between cross-origin browser tabsAcross Tabs created by wingify, this repo was created in 2017

Now the number of Watchers for the Across Tabs repo is 1,518, and it has a 101 Forks

you can find here the official website for Across Tabs

you can Click here Across Tabs to download the master branch from GitHub

85. Visibility.js


Visibility.js allows you to determine whether your web page is visible to a user, is hidden in background tab or is prerendering. It allows you to use the page visibility state in JavaScript logic and improve browser performance by disabling unnecessary timers and AJAX requests, or improve user interface experience (for example, by stopping video playback or slideshow when user switches to another browser tab).Visibility.js created by ai, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Visibility.js repo is 1,755, and it has a 113 Forks

you can find here the official website for Visibility.js

you can Click here Visibility.js to download the master branch from GitHub

86. Node Pg Migrate

Node.js database migration management for PostgresqlNode Pg Migrate created by salsita, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the Node Pg Migrate repo is 799, and it has a 121 Forks

you can find here the official website for Node Pg Migrate

you can Click here Node Pg Migrate to download the master branch from GitHub

87. Fluxxor

Flux architecture tools for ReactFluxxor created by BinaryMuse, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the Fluxxor repo is 1,697, and it has a 157 Forks

you can find here the official website for Fluxxor

you can Click here Fluxxor to download the master branch from GitHub

88. Rambda

Faster alternative to Ramda in just 10kBRambda created by selfrefactor, this repo was created in 2017

Now the number of Watchers for the Rambda repo is 982, and it has a 58 Forks

you can find here the official website for Rambda

you can Click here Rambda to download the master branch from GitHub

89. Vue Moment

Handy Moment.js filters for your Vue.js project.Vue Moment created by brockpetrie, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the Vue Moment repo is 1,218, and it has a 113 Forks

you can find here the official website for Vue Moment

you can Click here Vue Moment to download the master branch from GitHub

90. Mout

Modular JavaScript UtilitiesMout created by mout, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Mout repo is 1,212, and it has a 112 Forks

you can find here the official website for Mout

you can Click here Mout to download the master branch from GitHub

91. 101

A modern JS utility library101 created by tjmehta, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the 101 repo is 1,551, and it has a 79 Forks

you can find here the official website for 101

you can Click here 101 to download the master branch from GitHub

92. Rest

RESTful HTTP client for JavaScriptRest created by cujojs, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Rest repo is 1,013, and it has a 160 Forks

you can find here the official website for Rest

you can Click here Rest to download the master branch from GitHub

93. Bottlejs

A powerful, extensible dependency injection micro container for JavaScript applicationsBottlejs created by young-steveo, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the Bottlejs repo is 1,152, and it has a 63 Forks

you can find here the official website for Bottlejs

you can Click here Bottlejs to download the master branch from GitHub

94. Egjs

Set of UI interactions, effects and utilities components library using jQuery.Egjs created by naver, this repo was created in 2015

Now the number of Watchers for the Egjs repo is 861, and it has a 88 Forks

you can find here the official website for Egjs

you can Click here Egjs to download the master branch from GitHub

95. Speakingurl

Generate of so called "static" or "nice-looking" or "slug" or "SpeakingURL" from a string.Speakingurl created by pid, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Speakingurl repo is 1,048, and it has a 85 Forks

you can find here the official website for Speakingurl

you can Click here Speakingurl to download the master branch from GitHub

96. Jquerypp

jQuery's missing utils and special eventsJquerypp created by bitovi, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Jquerypp repo is 1,232, and it has a 173 Forks

you can find here the official website for Jquerypp

you can Click here Jquerypp to download the master branch from GitHub

97. Eqcss

EQCSS is a plugin that introduces Element Queries, Scoped CSS, a Parent selector, and responsive JavaScript to all browsers IE8 and upEqcss created by eqcss, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the Eqcss repo is 1,491, and it has a 72 Forks

you can find here the official website for Eqcss

you can Click here Eqcss to download the master branch from GitHub

98. Cloudinary Js

Cloudinary Js

Cloudinary JavaScript libraryCloudinary Js created by cloudinary, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Cloudinary Js repo is 295, and it has a 228 Forks

you can find here the official website for Cloudinary Js

you can Click here Cloudinary Js to download the master branch from GitHub

99. Nested

Gap free multi column gridNested created by suprb, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Nested repo is 1,730, and it has a 269 Forks

you can find here the official website for Nested

you can Click here Nested to download the master branch from GitHub

100. Amplify

AmplifyJS is a set of components for data management and application communication.Amplify created by appendto, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Amplify repo is 1,462, and it has a 154 Forks

you can find here the official website for Amplify

you can Click here Amplify to download the master branch from GitHub

101. ifvisible.js

Checks if the current page is visible or notifvisible.js created by serkanyersen, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the ifvisible.js repo is 1,844, and it has a 178 Forks

you can find here the official website for ifvisible.js

you can Click here ifvisible.js to download the master branch from GitHub

102. Bonzo

library agnostic, extensible DOM utilityBonzo created by ded, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Bonzo repo is 1,310, and it has a 145 Forks

you can find here the official website for Bonzo

you can Click here Bonzo to download the master branch from GitHub

103. JS Signals

Custom Event/Messaging system for JavaScript inspired by AS3-SignalsJS Signals created by millermedeiros, this repo was created in 2010

Now the number of Watchers for the JS Signals repo is 1,866, and it has a 190 Forks

you can find here the official website for JS Signals

you can Click here JS Signals to download the master branch from GitHub

104. jQuery.lazy

A lightweight, fast, feature-rich, powerful and highly configurable delayed content, image and background lazy loading plugin for jQuery & Zepto.jQuery.lazy created by eisbehr-, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the jQuery.lazy repo is 948, and it has a 244 Forks

you can find here the official website for jQuery.lazy

you can Click here jQuery.lazy to download the master branch from GitHub

105. Cortex

A javascript library for centrally managing data with ReactCortex created by mquan, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the Cortex repo is 1,074, and it has a 51 Forks

you can find here the official website for Cortex

you can Click here Cortex to download the master branch from GitHub

106. Backbone React Component

A bit of nifty glue that automatically plugs your Backbone models and collections into your React components, on the browser and serverBackbone React Component created by magalhas, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the Backbone React Component repo is 816, and it has a 80 Forks

you can find here the official website for Backbone React Component

you can Click here Backbone React Component to download the master branch from GitHub

107. Lint Md

:books: 检查中文 markdown 编写格式规范的命令行工具,基于 AST,方便集成 ci,写博客 / 文档必备。支持 API 调用!Lint Md created by hustcc, this repo was created in 2018

Now the number of Watchers for the Lint Md repo is 539, and it has a 31 Forks

you can find here the official website for Lint Md

you can Click here Lint Md to download the master branch from GitHub

108. Html

A simple, extensible way to work directly with the DOM. Html created by nbubna, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Html repo is 1,437, and it has a 76 Forks

you can find here the official website for Html

you can Click here Html to download the master branch from GitHub

109. Backbone Deep Model

Improved support for models with nested attributes.Backbone Deep Model created by powmedia, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Backbone Deep Model repo is 658, and it has a 163 Forks

you can find here the official website for Backbone Deep Model

you can Click here Backbone Deep Model to download the master branch from GitHub

110. jQuery Evergreen

Small & fast DOM and event library for modern browsers.jQuery Evergreen created by webpro, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the jQuery Evergreen repo is 763, and it has a 47 Forks

you can find here the official website for jQuery Evergreen

you can Click here jQuery Evergreen to download the master branch from GitHub

111. Do Mtastic

Small & fast DOM and event library for modern browsers.Do Mtastic created by webpro, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Do Mtastic repo is 763, and it has a 47 Forks

you can find here the official website for Do Mtastic

you can Click here Do Mtastic to download the master branch from GitHub

112. Zoom.js

zoom in on any element in the DOMZoom.js created by hakimel, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Zoom.js repo is 1,443, and it has a 284 Forks

you can find here the official website for Zoom.js

you can Click here Zoom.js to download the master branch from GitHub

113. Bootstrap Ajax

A library for adding declarative ajax functionality to your websiteBootstrap Ajax created by eldarion, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Bootstrap Ajax repo is 769, and it has a 153 Forks

you can find here the official website for Bootstrap Ajax

you can Click here Bootstrap Ajax to download the master branch from GitHub

114. Conditioner

Frizz Free, Environment-aware, JavaScript ModulesConditioner created by rikschennink, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Conditioner repo is 1,022, and it has a 50 Forks

you can find here the official website for Conditioner

you can Click here Conditioner to download the master branch from GitHub

115. Tangle

a JavaScript library for reactive documentsTangle created by worrydream, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Tangle repo is 1,715, and it has a 194 Forks

you can find here the official website for Tangle

you can Click here Tangle to download the master branch from GitHub

116. Domready

let's you know when the dom is readyDomready created by ded, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Domready repo is 878, and it has a 129 Forks

you can find here the official website for Domready

you can Click here Domready to download the master branch from GitHub

117. Pegasus


Load data while still loading other scripts and display data faster in jQuery, Backbone, Angular, ... appsPegasus created by typicode, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the Pegasus repo is 693, and it has a 61 Forks

you can find here the official website for Pegasus

you can Click here Pegasus to download the master branch from GitHub

118. Jailed

Jailed - execute untrusted code with custom permissionsJailed created by asvd, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the Jailed repo is 747, and it has a 64 Forks

you can find here the official website for Jailed

you can Click here Jailed to download the master branch from GitHub

119. Ansi Up

A javascript library that converts text with ANSI terminal codes into colorful HTMLAnsi Up created by drudru, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Ansi Up repo is 499, and it has a 77 Forks

you can find here the official website for Ansi Up

you can Click here Ansi Up to download the master branch from GitHub

120. Tweet

put twitter on your website with tweet, an unobtrusive javascript plugin for jqueryTweet created by seaofclouds, this repo was created in 2008

Now the number of Watchers for the Tweet repo is 847, and it has a 228 Forks

you can find here the official website for Tweet

you can Click here Tweet to download the master branch from GitHub

121. Vissense


A utility library for observing visibility changes of DOM elements.Vissense created by vissense, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the Vissense repo is 818, and it has a 34 Forks

you can find here the official website for Vissense

you can Click here Vissense to download the master branch from GitHub

122. Resize Observer

Polyfills the ResizeObserver API.Resize Observer created by juggle, this repo was created in 2019

Now the number of Watchers for the Resize Observer repo is 470, and it has a 18 Forks

you can find here the official website for Resize Observer

you can Click here Resize Observer to download the master branch from GitHub

123. Hamsters.js

100% Vanilla Javascript Multithreading & Parallel Execution LibraryHamsters.js created by austinksmith, this repo was created in 2015

Now the number of Watchers for the Hamsters.js repo is 512, and it has a 31 Forks

you can find here the official website for Hamsters.js

you can Click here Hamsters.js to download the master branch from GitHub

124. Porthole

A proxy to safely communicate to cross-domain iframes in javascriptPorthole created by ternarylabs, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Porthole repo is 771, and it has a 115 Forks

you can find here the official website for Porthole

you can Click here Porthole to download the master branch from GitHub

125. Contra

Asynchronous flow control with a functional taste to itContra created by bevacqua, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the Contra repo is 758, and it has a 34 Forks

you can find here the official website for Contra

you can Click here Contra to download the master branch from GitHub

126. JayData

JayData is a unified data access library for JavaScript to CRUD data from different sources like WebSQL/SQLite, IndexedDB, MongoDb, ASP.NET WebAPI, OData, HTML5 localStorage, Facebook or YQL. The library can be integrated with KendoUI, Knockout.js, Handlebars.js or Sencha Touch 2 and can be used on Node.js as well.JayData created by jaydata, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the JayData repo is 355, and it has a 99 Forks

you can find here the official website for JayData

you can Click here JayData to download the master branch from GitHub

127. Backbone Associations

Backbone Associations

Create object hierarchies with Backbone models; Respond to hierarchy changes using regular Backbone events.Backbone Associations created by dhruvaray, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Backbone Associations repo is 501, and it has a 75 Forks

you can find here the official website for Backbone Associations

you can Click here Backbone Associations to download the master branch from GitHub

128. Voyeur.js

Voyeur is a tiny (1.2kb) Javascript library that lets you traverse and manipulate the DOM the way it should have been.Voyeur.js created by dunxrion, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Voyeur.js repo is 738, and it has a 116 Forks

you can find here the official website for Voyeur.js

you can Click here Voyeur.js to download the master branch from GitHub

129. Backbone Nested

Backbone Nested

A plugin to make Backbone.js keep track of nested attributes.Backbone Nested created by afeld, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Backbone Nested repo is 454, and it has a 85 Forks

you can find here the official website for Backbone Nested

you can Click here Backbone Nested to download the master branch from GitHub

130. Then.js

The fastest, smallest, fully compatible, full-featured asynchronous module!Then.js created by teambition, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Then.js repo is 576, and it has a 80 Forks

you can find here the official website for Then.js

you can Click here Then.js to download the master branch from GitHub

131. Stately.js

Stately.js is a JavaScript based finite-state machine (FSM) engine for Node.js and the browser.Stately.js created by fschaefer, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Stately.js repo is 779, and it has a 79 Forks

you can find here the official website for Stately.js

you can Click here Stately.js to download the master branch from GitHub

132. Meld


AOP for JS with before, around, on, afterReturning, afterThrowing, after advice, and pointcutsMeld created by cujojs, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Meld repo is 642, and it has a 67 Forks

you can find here the official website for Meld

you can Click here Meld to download the master branch from GitHub

133. Mediator.js

An implementation of the mediator pattern for asynchronous events in JavascriptMediator.js created by ajacksified, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Mediator.js repo is 454, and it has a 81 Forks

you can find here the official website for Mediator.js

you can Click here Mediator.js to download the master branch from GitHub

134. Routie

a tiny javascript hash routerRoutie created by jgallen23, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Routie repo is 611, and it has a 94 Forks

you can find here the official website for Routie

you can Click here Routie to download the master branch from GitHub

135. Bind.js

bind.js - simple two way data binding to HTML and callbacksBind.js created by remy, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Bind.js repo is 680, and it has a 62 Forks

you can find here the official website for Bind.js

you can Click here Bind.js to download the master branch from GitHub

136. Inject

AMD and CJS dependency management in the browserInject created by linkedin, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Inject repo is 468, and it has a 52 Forks

you can find here the official website for Inject

you can Click here Inject to download the master branch from GitHub

137. Node List.js

NodeList implementation/library - Use the Native DOM APIs as easily as jQueryNode List.js created by eorroe, this repo was created in 2015

Now the number of Watchers for the Node List.js repo is 511, and it has a 44 Forks

you can find here the official website for Node List.js

you can Click here Node List.js to download the master branch from GitHub

138. Cellx

Ultra-fast implementation of reactivity for javascriptCellx created by Riim, this repo was created in 2015

Now the number of Watchers for the Cellx repo is 337, and it has a 16 Forks

you can find here the official website for Cellx

you can Click here Cellx to download the master branch from GitHub

139. Gas

Google Analytics on Steroids. A Google Analytics implementation with more power features.Gas created by CardinalPath, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Gas repo is 599, and it has a 81 Forks

you can find here the official website for Gas

you can Click here Gas to download the master branch from GitHub

140. Veinjs

Injects CSS into the document (it's a perfectly legal procedure)Veinjs created by israelidanny, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the Veinjs repo is 583, and it has a 38 Forks

you can find here the official website for Veinjs

you can Click here Veinjs to download the master branch from GitHub

141. Grapnel.js

A simple, lightweight library making it easy to create routes or run events based on a specific URL hashtag.Grapnel.js created by gregsabia, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Grapnel.js repo is 469, and it has a 41 Forks

you can find here the official website for Grapnel.js

you can Click here Grapnel.js to download the master branch from GitHub

142. Davis.js

RESTful degradable JavaScript routing using pushStateDavis.js created by olivernn, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Davis.js repo is 538, and it has a 63 Forks

you can find here the official website for Davis.js

you can Click here Davis.js to download the master branch from GitHub

143. Fetchival


window.fetch wrapper for writing simple and expressive requestsFetchival created by typicode, this repo was created in 2015

Now the number of Watchers for the Fetchival repo is 500, and it has a 32 Forks

you can find here the official website for Fetchival

you can Click here Fetchival to download the master branch from GitHub

144. Buster

A powerful suite of automated test tools for JavaScript.Buster created by busterjs, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Buster repo is 461, and it has a 39 Forks

you can find here the official website for Buster

you can Click here Buster to download the master branch from GitHub

145. Node Decorators

node-decoratorsNode Decorators created by serhiisol, this repo was created in 2016

Now the number of Watchers for the Node Decorators repo is 225, and it has a 16 Forks

you can find here the official website for Node Decorators

you can Click here Node Decorators to download the master branch from GitHub

146. Lmd


LMD: Lazy Module Declaration. Be lazy: lazy load @ lazy initLmd created by azproduction, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Lmd repo is 454, and it has a 31 Forks

you can find here the official website for Lmd

you can Click here Lmd to download the master branch from GitHub

147. Gliojs

Exit popup easely. Detects if the mouse of a user leaves the viewport borders of your websiteGliojs created by luisvinicius167, this repo was created in 2015

Now the number of Watchers for the Gliojs repo is 441, and it has a 34 Forks

you can find here the official website for Gliojs

you can Click here Gliojs to download the master branch from GitHub

148. Lucid Js

LucidJS is a chainable event emitter library. It offers several unique features such as set events, emitter piping, DOM node encapsulation, sub events, along with the usual event triggering and binding. LucidJS emitters also feature meta events that allow listening for event binding and event triggering. LucidJS works in both the browser and node.js.Lucid Js created by RobertWHurst, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Lucid Js repo is 372, and it has a 15 Forks

you can find here the official website for Lucid Js

you can Click here Lucid Js to download the master branch from GitHub

149. Pilot

Pilot — multifunction JavaScript router.Pilot created by RubaXa, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Pilot repo is 109, and it has a 20 Forks

you can find here the official website for Pilot

you can Click here Pilot to download the master branch from GitHub

150. Modules Webmake

Modules Webmake

Bundle CommonJS/Node.js modules for web browserModules Webmake created by medikoo, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Modules Webmake repo is 389, and it has a 23 Forks

you can find here the official website for Modules Webmake

you can Click here Modules Webmake to download the master branch from GitHub

151. Onfire.js

onfire.js is a simple events dispatcher subscribe / publish library (< 1kb). async, simple and usefull.Onfire.js created by hustcc, this repo was created in 2016

Now the number of Watchers for the Onfire.js repo is 466, and it has a 107 Forks

you can find here the official website for Onfire.js

you can Click here Onfire.js to download the master branch from GitHub

152. Functional Js

Functional Js

A functional js library that facilitates currying and point-free / tacit programmingFunctional Js created by leecrossley, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Functional Js repo is 224, and it has a 13 Forks

you can find here the official website for Functional Js

you can Click here Functional Js to download the master branch from GitHub

153. Viewport

Gets the dimensions of the Viewport and beyond.Viewport created by pazguille, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Viewport repo is 534, and it has a 36 Forks

you can find here the official website for Viewport

you can Click here Viewport to download the master branch from GitHub

154. Jsface

Small, fast, elegant, powerful, and cross platform JavaScript OOP library. Support main(), singleton, super call, private, mixins, plugins, AOP and more.Jsface created by tnhu, this repo was created in 2010

Now the number of Watchers for the Jsface repo is 302, and it has a 44 Forks

you can find here the official website for Jsface

you can Click here Jsface to download the master branch from GitHub

155. Sherlock


Natural-language event parser for JavascriptSherlock created by Tabule, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Sherlock repo is 380, and it has a 28 Forks

you can find here the official website for Sherlock

you can Click here Sherlock to download the master branch from GitHub

156. History.js

History.js gracefully supports the HTML5 History/State APIs (pushState, replaceState, onPopState) in all browsers. Including continued support for data, titles, replaceState. Supports jQuery, MooTools and Prototype. For HTML5 browsers this means that you can modify the URL directly, without needing to use hashes anymore. For HTML4 browsers it will revert back to using the old onhashchange functionality.History.js created by balupton, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the History.js repo is 276, and it has a 117 Forks

you can find here the official website for History.js

you can Click here History.js to download the master branch from GitHub

157. Tock

Timer Object/Class. Kickass!Tock created by mrchimp, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Tock repo is 229, and it has a 37 Forks

you can find here the official website for Tock

you can Click here Tock to download the master branch from GitHub

158. Supermodel

Supermodel - Minimal Model Tracking for BackbonejsSupermodel created by pathable, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Supermodel repo is 233, and it has a 40 Forks

you can find here the official website for Supermodel

you can Click here Supermodel to download the master branch from GitHub

159. Fragment.js

A tiny tool for easily loading html fragments and templatesFragment.js created by DanielRapp, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Fragment.js repo is 524, and it has a 51 Forks

you can find here the official website for Fragment.js

you can Click here Fragment.js to download the master branch from GitHub

160. Gator

Event delegation in JavascriptGator created by ccampbell, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Gator repo is 485, and it has a 46 Forks

you can find here the official website for Gator

you can Click here Gator to download the master branch from GitHub

161. Set Dom

???? Lightweight dom diffing with plain old html.Set Dom created by DylanPiercey, this repo was created in 2016

Now the number of Watchers for the Set Dom repo is 143, and it has a 20 Forks

you can find here the official website for Set Dom

you can Click here Set Dom to download the master branch from GitHub

162. Connective

agent-based reactive programming library for typescriptConnective created by CONNECT-platform, this repo was created in 2019

Now the number of Watchers for the Connective repo is 99, and it has a 2 Forks

you can find here the official website for Connective

you can Click here Connective to download the master branch from GitHub

Tiny little tool to find URLs in a string of text and hyperlink themAutolink Js created by bryanwoods, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Autolink Js repo is 259, and it has a 59 Forks

you can find here the official website for Autolink Js

you can Click here Autolink Js to download the master branch from GitHub

164. Laconic

Sane DOM GenerationLaconic created by joestelmach, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Laconic repo is 481, and it has a 30 Forks

you can find here the official website for Laconic

you can Click here Laconic to download the master branch from GitHub

165. P

Peer-to-peer networking with browsersP created by oztu, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the P repo is 400, and it has a 31 Forks

you can find here the official website for P

you can Click here P to download the master branch from GitHub

166. Radio

Dependency-free Chainable Publish/Subscribe Library for JavascriptRadio created by uxder, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Radio repo is 358, and it has a 46 Forks

you can find here the official website for Radio

you can Click here Radio to download the master branch from GitHub

167. Min Pub Sub

198 byte publish/subscribe messaging micro-frameworkMin Pub Sub created by daniellmb, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Min Pub Sub repo is 310, and it has a 55 Forks

you can find here the official website for Min Pub Sub

you can Click here Min Pub Sub to download the master branch from GitHub

168. Twitterlib

Twitter JavaScript API libraryTwitterlib created by remy, this repo was created in 2009

Now the number of Watchers for the Twitterlib repo is 298, and it has a 56 Forks

you can find here the official website for Twitterlib

you can Click here Twitterlib to download the master branch from GitHub

169. Invisible

Invisible.js: Reusable models for the client and the serverInvisible created by invisiblejs, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Invisible repo is 178, and it has a 13 Forks

you can find here the official website for Invisible

you can Click here Invisible to download the master branch from GitHub

170. Ng Sweet Alert

Ng Sweet Alert

:loudspeaker: Sweetalert directive for angular js( angular sweetalert), without writing single javascript codeNg Sweet Alert created by tushariscoolster, this repo was created in 2015

Now the number of Watchers for the Ng Sweet Alert repo is 160, and it has a 43 Forks

you can find here the official website for Ng Sweet Alert

you can Click here Ng Sweet Alert to download the master branch from GitHub

171. Angular History

Angular History

A history service for AngularJS. Undo/redo, that sort of thing. Has nothing to do with the "back" button, unless you want it to.Angular History created by decipherinc, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Angular History repo is 157, and it has a 9 Forks

you can find here the official website for Angular History

you can Click here Angular History to download the master branch from GitHub

172. Use.js

An AMD/RequireJS plugin for consuming incompatible JavaScript files.Use.js created by tbranyen, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Use.js repo is 273, and it has a 27 Forks

you can find here the official website for Use.js

you can Click here Use.js to download the master branch from GitHub

173. Js Cache

jsCache is a javascript library that enables caching of javascripts, css-stylesheets and images using my localStorage polyfill. This is especially useful when serving your website for mobile phones, which have limited HTTP caching available, but also speeds up your site in an ordinary web browser as it saves HTTP requests and loads all files asynchronously.Js Cache created by mortzdk, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the Js Cache repo is 430, and it has a 22 Forks

you can find here the official website for Js Cache

you can Click here Js Cache to download the master branch from GitHub

174. Flow Js

Javascript Library for Multi-step Asynchronous LogicFlow Js created by willconant, this repo was created in 2010

Now the number of Watchers for the Flow Js repo is 300, and it has a 16 Forks

you can find here the official website for Flow Js

you can Click here Flow Js to download the master branch from GitHub

175. Responsive Comments

A client-side solution to conditional loading.Responsive Comments created by chambaz, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Responsive Comments repo is 259, and it has a 19 Forks

you can find here the official website for Responsive Comments

you can Click here Responsive Comments to download the master branch from GitHub

176. jTypes

jTypes is the most comprehensive and robust JavaScript library for overcoming differential inheritance with prototype-based objects. Its lightweight yet powerful design provides web programmers on any platform or browser the ability to emulate classical inheritance where objects are defined by classes.jTypes created by gaulinsoft, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the jTypes repo is 85, and it has a 3 Forks

you can find here the official website for jTypes

you can Click here jTypes to download the master branch from GitHub

177. Jquery Sieve

Sieve is a jQuery plugin allows you to quickly add an interactive search filter to any block of content.Jquery Sieve created by rmm5t, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Jquery Sieve repo is 150, and it has a 26 Forks

you can find here the official website for Jquery Sieve

you can Click here Jquery Sieve to download the master branch from GitHub

178. Cram

Simple AMD and CommonJS module bundler.Cram created by cujojs, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Cram repo is 60, and it has a 8 Forks

you can find here the official website for Cram

you can Click here Cram to download the master branch from GitHub

179. Eve.js

A <3kb JavaScript file providing three simple methods to organize code into CSS namespaces which magically restrict code to the current context, allowing for dramatic reductions to code size and development time.Eve.js created by Yuffster, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Eve.js repo is 95, and it has a 10 Forks

you can find here the official website for Eve.js

you can Click here Eve.js to download the master branch from GitHub

180. Boiler

Boiler is a utility library that makes every day tasks in JavaScript easier by providing over 115 methods that work on arrays, collections, functions, numbers, objects, and strings.Boiler created by Xaxis, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Boiler repo is 43, and it has a 4 Forks

you can find here the official website for Boiler

you can Click here Boiler to download the master branch from GitHub

181. Knockout Projections

Knockout.js observable arrays get smarterKnockout Projections created by SteveSanderson, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Knockout Projections repo is 162, and it has a 39 Forks

you can find here the official website for Knockout Projections

you can Click here Knockout Projections to download the master branch from GitHub

182. Jsperanto

Jsperanto created by jpjoyal, this repo was created in 2010

Now the number of Watchers for the Jsperanto repo is 63, and it has a 21 Forks

you can find here the official website for Jsperanto

you can Click here Jsperanto to download the master branch from GitHub

183. Queen


A platform for running scripts on many browsersQueen created by turn, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Queen repo is 1, and it has a 0 Forks

you can find here the official website for Queen

you can Click here Queen to download the master branch from GitHub

184. Is Near

Calculates if the mouse position is near to a given element.Is Near created by pazguille, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Is Near repo is 134, and it has a 13 Forks

you can find here the official website for Is Near

you can Click here Is Near to download the master branch from GitHub

185. Theory

Abstraction layer for cross platform JavaScript.Theory created by amark, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Theory repo is 143, and it has a 6 Forks

you can find here the official website for Theory

you can Click here Theory to download the master branch from GitHub

186. Scrob Master

Master your scroll events.Scrob Master created by gelus, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Scrob Master repo is 161, and it has a 5 Forks

you can find here the official website for Scrob Master

you can Click here Scrob Master to download the master branch from GitHub

187. Jquery Waypoints

Waypoints is a small jQuery plugin that makes it easy to execute a function whenever you scroll to an element.Jquery Waypoints created by imakewebthings, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Jquery Waypoints repo is 80, and it has a 27 Forks

you can find here the official website for Jquery Waypoints

you can Click here Jquery Waypoints to download the master branch from GitHub

188. Persist State

jQuery Ui widget that will transparently save the state of checkboxes, inputs, selects, etc in localStorage, restoring these on the user's next visit to the page.Persist State created by togakangaroo, this repo was created in 2013

Now the number of Watchers for the Persist State repo is 54, and it has a 3 Forks

you can find here the official website for Persist State

you can Click here Persist State to download the master branch from GitHub

189. Double

jQuery plugin for hiring doublesDouble created by haggen, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the Double repo is 53, and it has a 6 Forks

you can find here the official website for Double

you can Click here Double to download the master branch from GitHub

190. Hermes.js

Message and Error logger implementationHermes.js created by tcorral, this repo was created in 2011

Now the number of Watchers for the Hermes.js repo is 30, and it has a 4 Forks

you can find here the official website for Hermes.js

you can Click here Hermes.js to download the master branch from GitHub

191. Kefir

A Reactive Programming library for JavaScriptKefir created by rpominov, this repo was created in 2014

Now the number of Watchers for the Kefir repo is 1, and it has a 1 Forks

you can find here the official website for Kefir

you can Click here Kefir to download the master branch from GitHub

192. JSON Editor Online

A web-based tool to view, edit and format JSONJSON Editor Online created by josdejong, this repo was created in 2012

Now the number of Watchers for the JSON Editor Online repo is 6, and it has a 4 Forks

you can find here the official website for JSON Editor Online

you can Click here JSON Editor Online to download the master branch from GitHub


That's all about 192 Free JavaScript utilities Libraries and Plugins.

If you like these 192 Free JavaScript utilities Libraries and Plugins then please share with your friends and colleagues.

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