zip code 95462

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Area Codes707
Military, PO Box, Standard, or UniqueSTANDARD
Acceptable cities according to USPS Russian River, Russian River Mdws
Unacceptable cities according to USPS

What is the latitude and longitude of the zip code 95462

latitude of the zip code longitude of the zip code
38.46171 -123.02229

What is the city and state name of the zip code 95462

The official USPS city name The state's name Is a Zip Code Tabulation area
Monte Rio California TRUE

What is the timezone of the zip code 95462

Time zone in the tz format

demographic data by zip code 95462

An estimate of the zip code's population The estimated population per square kilometer
1265 93.1

fips zip code 95462

The zip's primary county in the FIPS format. The name of the county_fips.
6097 Sonoma

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